"No one is beyond reform; the justice system fails if we don't even attempt to reform people."
"No one is beyond reform; the justice system fails if we don't even attempt to reform people."
FACT: Jonathan Martin didn't try to kill himself, then he got all pissy and acted like he's worth something. That fuckin liar.
It makes me sad / crotchety that anyone reading this who is more than 4-5 years younger than me likely has to Google "ACME Coyote Rocket" to understand this joke.
Did Matt Drudge take over Province Sports' twitter feed?
One of the commenters linked to this piece by the same pearl-clutching writer on coyote hunting. Worth comparing her take on what is effectively two different forms of dogfighting. Bloody hypocrite.
Seats are too small. This is not a new or controversial statement. Being fat undoubtedly sucks hard on a plane or any other form of public transit, and I'm sure people do shoot dirty looks. I know for an absolute fact that not all fat people are lazy, unhealthy, dirty or in some way morally deficient, and that it is…
No Pogues? This list is shite.
"Jesus shit!!"
People I don't agree with set policy all the damn time. Much of it affects me directly. See also: The environment, 95% of our foreign policy, education cuts, infrastructure cuts, R&D cuts, our tax policy, etc. You don't always agree with everything your government does. This is not new. This is not a new precedent.
"Some people simply aren't comfortable with the government dictating that they much purchase something. Nor are people comfortable with government playing nanny and setting what coverages they have to have."
The thing is, voters don't hate the ACA. They hate the boogeyman it's been turned into. If you ask them about individual components, support is something like 10-20 points higher.
Yup, that's exactly what I was thinking. There's no indication that there have been any privacy issues with the marketplace, which is little more than a place to windowshop plans. Applying through the marketplace isn't really any different from applying directly to the insurer via their own website, in terms of…
Yup. What's frustrating about the rollout is how predictable it all was.
Yes, it should, but it never would be. A huge portion of this country is absolutely convinced that the government is A) Omnipotent and evil, and somehow simultaneously B) Incompetent and useless.
The people whining about their old insurance plans comprise a very small segment of the overall population being given an outsized level of coverage because the Republicans are very good at whipping up a fury over nothing.
It was a (small) step in the right direction. The two choices were 1) Do nothing, or 2) Do something to get people covered and slowly start pushing the national dialogue in the correct direction.
Yeah I just realized how unclear my first post was. I meant that if the police were involved when that kid got his ass kicked, it'd be easy to figure out which defensive back was likely to be a part of it.
In my haste I was remarkably unclear. I meant to say, "If the police were involved when that kid got his ass kicked, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to figure out which defensive back was involved. Reddit, get to it."