

OK, so this guy orders his friends to beat the shit out of a kid for being gay. He brags about ruining his face and leaving him toothless in a school paper, which he turns in to his openly gay professor, and appears to be proud of his behavior.

Yeah that was a gut-reaction post on my part; I was pissed and hadn't gotten too far into the piece. Didn't expect the author to continue on and provide that much detail. Shouldn't be difficult to identify him after all.

"Like the blue-chip defensive secondary leader who wrote his personal essay for an openly gay professor on the time in high school he gleefully commanded a posse to bash a girly fag near to death, caved the queer's face, and ruined his smile."

Ahh, you're probably right. They only made the NFC Championships in 2006.

"The one thing that brought New Orleans back as a city ... the New Orleans Saints! 2006, right?"

"One dude in the hotel bathroom felt so comfortable that he put both his arms up on the partitions dividing the urinals and let out an audible moan while pissing."

This doesn't make it better, but to me it sounded like she was accusing the judges of favoring the US because of their skin color. Sort of like when a white person stateside bitches about / sues a school for not letting them in because it was "affirmative action's fault."

Maybe they rented a cherry pick-sixer.

There are shitty people. There are also crazy, depressed people. Sometimes these groups intersect.

I dunno, can he get up to Wilfork's playing weight? I'd sure love to see him try. A voluptuous, donut-fed Tim Tebow just bursting with intangibles and Chic-Fil-A.

The Cardinals mascot appears to be missing, too.

Yeah, I was mostly being facetious. That was originally their whole reason for existing, before gun manufacturers realized how much money they could make if they just scared the crap out of everyone and that the NRA, which did build a reputation for exactly that sort of work, would be a useful mouthpiece. I have no

If only there were some sort of association - a "National Firearm Association," perhaps, or NFA - whose mission statement stressed the importance of gun safety courses and actively discouraged the sort of gun-crazed lunacy these people represent. They could offer gun safety courses, perhaps, and the reverence these

I shared 2 beds with 3 other straight guys over a period of 2 weeks on a vacation during college. Two of them had snoring issues, and one bed was considerably more comfortable than the other, so it just made sense to keep rotating.

Normalcy bias. It's so easy to look at someone suddenly thrust into an unexpected life-or-death situation and wonder how they failed to react in a reasonable way. But you're absolutely right. Most of us have no clue how we'd respond during this kind of scenario.

...who talks shit to any fan if they're sober? Isn't booze kind of a prerequisite for serious sport-related shit-talking?

Bah, the Yahoo thing should have given it away.

...what? Is this an actual point or are just a troll?

"I see that no less of a big deal than being a western woman in Afghanistan and covering yourself, knowing your place in THEIR culture and yet that's okay but this is not?"