when it does... the cruiser’s been sunk already and the enemy sub is now lining back up?
Front looks pretty cool and I like it!
Gorgeous vehicle; it looks very French.
Clickbaity anti-GM title; sounds very Jalopnik.
The headlining picture looks to be a Trailblazer, not a Blazer.
Manual used to be better, in many ways, for most automotive applications. Today, they’re objectively worse than the alternative in most cases, but that doesn’t mean a lot of people don’t still get a lot of enjoyment from them. Some drivers want that connection/involvement, regardless of which performs better, gets the…
The device mount is genius
Hey, Land Rover, this is what you were supposed to do with the Defender.
I’ve owned 5 Jeep wranglers and never once dropped the windshield. Why? Because on the JK it’s a pain in the ass to do, and also a pain to get to seal as well again once you do it. Many Jeepers also accessorize their Jeep in ways that make dropping it an even bigger pain.
I reckon that your username means you actually HAVE driven a Jeep with a folding windshield, which is why I’ll ask you:
1) Which part of the atrocious experience of having sand and wind just smash straight into your face did you enjoy?
2) Did you drive windshield-down at the speeds above 15mph?
3) Just how often do you…
It might be sacrilegious around here, but I think I like the four door most. I get a good “Modern Defender” vibe from it as well as the obvious old Bronco influences.
Having just finished the reveal it really looks like they’re going for the jugular on the Jeep. As a Wrangler owner it’s awesome to see. The callout on the mirrors affixed to the body instead of the doors was a direct shot across the bow of Jeep. Love it.
If anything it holds fire to the pants of the rest of the industry to get moving on the EV train.
I can certainly agree with that. It’s absolutely possible to think the CEO is a twat, think their stock price is absolutely ridiculous, but also be impressed by what they’ve done with their products. They leave a lot to be desired in my mind as far as design and fit & finish go, but the technology is very impressive.
I remember when Tesla started selling the Roadster and thought the death of ICE was finally approaching. Now I look around at all the non-Tesla brands and wonder what happened. Tesla even had to churn out an entire supercharger infrastructure and people wonder why they’re just starting to turn a profit. Even if the…
You mean like they turned a profit during Q1 2020? And Q4 of 2019? And Q3 of 2019... They almost did so in Q2 and had COVID not happened almost certainly would.
As easy as it is to hate Tesla you have to give the company credit. The Model S has been available since 2012. They now have 4 models with a few more on the way. All of those available now are selling well. But at the end of the day, despite starting out as a totally new and unheard of company with zero experience…
IDK. I think the stock market has tesla right in theory. The value of Tesla is not in the now, Musk’s made that abundantly apparent, the value is the future. The value in Ford/GM/FCA is short term and their shit product offering for the future shows.
Whether you personally agree on the stock price is moot.
I really don’t care for this at all.
How is Dodge number 1 and Chrysler number 27 when they build the same vehicles. Maybe the Pacifica Hybrid is really terrible?