
Why is it a neighbors responsibility to get into a face to face altercation with a tenant of a do nothing landlord who has a few tons of rusting iron on their property?
You know who typically treats their front and side yards with enough disdain to let cars rot on them? Assholes, maybe their violent maybe their loud,

So much this. Homes are the biggest investment people make. Asshole neighbors who turn their yards into junkyards absolutely affect property value.

Unfortunately, not an HOA, but City Ordinance.

Good for them. I’d hate to live next to a junkyard too.

I couldn’t agree more with that. Enough with refreshes and redesigns that mostly messes up with grills, head and tail lights, fake vents and fake diffusers.

Ludicrously Long Range

Don’t you know? mostly poor people lost jobs. The rich/upper middle class still has their jobs until August/September once the government assistance runs out at the corporations lol.

I just want to know what it’s going to be call once they hit a 450 range. Is it going to be

Yea but what if I have to tow my boat, the neighborhood’s entire trailer park, and a Saturn V,  huh? What about that, Tesla?!

Who doesn’t drive over 400 miles one way daily? You spend 7 hours commuting to work one way, and 7 hours back, no?

I can refuel, pee, take a dump and eat a four course meal in 5 minutes!

Well I have to tow four horses 800 miles uphill both ways in -40 degree weather with the heater on at 85 mph and carry my wife, my wife’s boyfriend, and my wife’s 6 children, so checkmate Tesla.

If it doesn’t go 800 miles, charge in less than a second and cost $5, it just can't fit my lifestyle! /s

INB4 someone pops up to say that 400 mile range isnt good enough for their daily routine. Dino juice 4ever!!!!

I kind of hope they help break the cycle of needing a new version and body style every year personally.  Design it right the first time and iterative improvements as you go seems fine to me.

No One Knows What’s Happening with the Used Car Market

This is a fantastic breakdown of the Y, David. Damned thorough. Bravo.

Nah, just the beatdown. No hospital for a fucknugget like this guy, not right now. 

Who says you could not test drive it and see it in real ?

I am still torn about this car... I want to buy a new car at the end of the year and I made a list of things I want in my next car: a hatch to transport stuff, electric range at least 30 miles to get to and from work without gas, adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist as a minimum for long distance driving. And