
That, and all the property damage (house, road sign, etc.) had to be staged, right? Surely the skier was, at least.

Weak... Give me one of these.

Looks eerily similar to the early 90's Saab 9000...

Haven't seen that mythbusters, but look at this. This happened just 2 weeks ago and it was the same size truck, going MUCH faster, and the officer manages to stop it, albeit after a couple of attempts, but still saves property damage and lives.

The police officer easily could have stopped it with his vehicle, seeing as it was going less than 15 mph... But instead, he allowed several more citizens' vehicles to be damaged... hmmmm...

probably the latter. meh.

Blargh! You beat me to it. (See above).

Too soon?

OMG @8 & 4... I need to move to NY.

Or was it...

I bet I know who the pilot was...

No Flute of the Commodores (aka Flight of the Conchords) fans in here? Ehh... Maybe I misjudges you people... I would lulz if I wasn't still crying about the F40.

Now playing

I'm not crying... Only my favorite car evarrr.... I'm not crying...

Tamara: Why did I just get 4,827 new Twitter followers in 30 minutes?

So... the only change is the lettering on the ground effects that says "IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO JALOPNIK.COM" right?

How tall a building is this? Anybody know?

I love statistics and cause-and-effect type stories like that. Probably why I was so pissed that these clowns beat me to writing this book and made bank while I sat at home playing video games...

Looks like the CTS V is going to get #1 answer 2 days in a row...