
This show has moved into True Blood Season 7 territory: I’m only watching it out of habit and for the funny recaps.

They could add a big, bright sticker to the posters that says, “Now with MORE Midichlorians!”

Thank you for posting that! I just ordered one. Had to hunt a bit, but found it on teefury.com.

“Who never comes to baseball games?”

There was, however, some debate about a certain issue, whose outcome will become apparent in due course.

There’s a bracket attached to the end of the url to Allan Peters’ website. The link doesn’t work unless you delete the bracket. :-)

But I hadn’t gotten to those parts of the episode yet because the epidemiologist-as-trauma-surgeon threw me out of the episode. I did go back and watch the rest and I completely agree with you on those points. Especially the rifle. THAT’S why had that ridiculous surgery scene? So he could a RIFLE?

And SyFy is actually Sci-Fi again!

So I watched the rest of it and here’s what really bugs me (and what I suspected from the start): it was completely unnecessary. Why have such a ridiculous scene? So he could get a rifle and maybe something else that hasn’t been revealed yet? There’s are countless better ways to accomplish that.

They fun, breezy reads, which is not to imply they are shallow. Plenty of good characters, awesome tech, hard-driving plots and cool ideas. And the SyFy series coming up looks great so far.

Also, am I the only one who hears Ship speaking in Android’s voice from Dark Matter? I probably am.

But what if WE want to go to another planet? Not connectomes and nanobes, but us humans, as a species. To paraphrase Liz Lemon, “We want to go to there.”

Oh, I will! I’m really enjoying the book. Beautifully written and expertly realized. I just finished reading the 5 books of The Expanse and it’s fun to see two very different stylistic approaches to presenting the realities - as far as we know them - of space travel.

Thank you!

Haven’t read that.

I like to think that, too, but then I encounter people who can’t operate a shopping cart.

I’m about halfway through and I love the voice of Ship. I’m hopeful for a positive outcome, and I keep thinking, “Come on, Kim, people aren’t THAT stupid!” and then I meet some and I realize they mostly are.

Ah, okay. I ASSumed you had stopped watching after that first minute (or so). I see similar comments from other people who claim to not be watching a show, and yet they read and comment on it and it always puzzles me.

Then why - and I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m seriously asking you - are you reading a recap, comments and making a comment on this show?

I’ve been convincing myself to keep watching; there were things earlier on that I really liked, but the show’s been wearing on me. I just stopped watching when the CDC research scientist decided he can perform major abdominal surgery because someone gave him a bag with stuff in it.