
Hi, Old White Guy here. I’ve read a lot about Lincoln Perry, aka “Stepin Fetchit” and I feel like it’s time for a public reassessment of who he was, and to stop using him as a trigger word.

By all accounts, Lincoln Perry was a phenomenal actor and performer. He capitalized on what he did best, on his strongest

So if doing miracles drains your power bar, how do restore it? Manna from Heaven?

Those without bags in the overhead are allowed to get up and exit first.

But they can’t talk to Indian people about how to fix Apu.

Is there money for the executives, for their stock options and bonuses? I bet there is.

Also, Adrian Paul.

I’m tempted to create a bunch of fake logins so I can give you many, many stars for this.

No Samuel R. Delaney? No Octavia Butler?

Taco Bell, avoid the meats.

As a resident of NH, I can tell you it’s pretty goddamn racist. We’ve got the pickups with American flags, “All Live Matter” t-shirts, plenty of hunters. But it’s mostly the kind that’s shared among white people. Conversations that contain “They are...”, “They shouldn’t...”, “Why do they”, and of course “I’m not

It’s the Coop!

“Slavery was so long ago!”

It’s very nice. He’s very talented. But it isn’t “classical”.

I read somewhere they have black writers on the show. That’s nice. And I try not to judge a show before it’s even made, but really. How can this be a good idea? Unless it leads to a black uprising that demolishes white culture in the first episode. That’d be cool. (In the show. ‘Cause one in real life would suck for

Can Rajnikanth play Jafar?

And we’re ignoring the fact that it rubs its ass on your head? It’s phrenology meets proctology.

And BERlin, NH.

I don’t feel sorry for her. A woman who’s trapped by an abusive husband AND living in poverty? Sure.

Yes, but the problem is the way it’s used. When it’s just tossed in “because women”, without any real understanding of what it means, then it misrepresents the issue.

if there’s one coup de grâce that never fails to subdue the victim of gross exploitation, it’s to tell them that they’re being ridiculous.