
Good call on the peewee game. It’s awesome because there is...

I’ve heard Adrian likes to switch it up.

“young Hester makin dudes look foolish” is a good thesis if anybody’s writing about Scarlet Letter, you’re welcome

His first step isn’t fast enough. I could beat him.

Thank you for your service”

But he stood on her throat and didn't kneel, right?

I went to a twitter feud the other night, and a hockey app broke out.

Dear Penthouse,

I’m going to Lyon for my wife’s conference in October. Will try to visit this place.

In Munich on vacation, now. Watched the game at a local soccer pub which today was about 90% Americans. After the final whistle, some college kids started chanting “USA! USA!” I was embarrassed to hear that as a guest in another country, but I was proud that none of the adults in the bar picked it up and it died

“I hear many people were chanting ‘Love Trump, Love Trump’ all over the bars in Paris. The French love me, even said they wanted me to win in 2020.” - Donald Trump

This is a lovely reminder to those fetid trailer trash numskulls that watch Fox News that most of the world actually hates their beloved douchebag leader.

Gonna take a minute to start getting comments on this post because we’re all trying to figure out how to call that bar and buy a round for the house.

The floodgates opened up after that.

This is a major sponsor of tomorrow’s public tank fucking.

I’m confused are other teams not celebrating after every goal and every win? Or am I watching a different World Cup?

I’ve been fine with the goofs so far but I would caution the team that in the event of a goal against the Netherlands they should be careful with any finger in the dike celebrations

let the country who didnt invent hooliganism throw the first cup of tea.

I love her. Give it to them Megan. Give it to them right in their fragile fucking egos.

Rapinoe 2020