Coneheads gave out “fried chicken embryo’s” Classic. Starred for potatoes.
Coneheads gave out “fried chicken embryo’s” Classic. Starred for potatoes.
Since I’ve been in the grays forever, no-one will see this, but gotta share.
I swear to god, in my 20s I was fucking date dude. Then in my 30s and 40s married 3x to insane people. I comcluded that I have a problem. Last one gave me 2 fine sons though. How they grew to be good young men is a mystery. What with all the fighting. I just made sure that they knew I loved them, always and forever.
Dude, shoulda took him up on the dating. Chinese girls want to please. Best screwing this side of Honolulu.
Met a girl that worked at the same restaurant. Immediate attraction. She told me she didn’t date co-workers. I quit that day. Manager tells me I need to watch out for my rep. That people might not hire me after just quitting. I told him that I was working 3 jobs. Had alot of fun *wink-wink* and got no extra rest at all…
Inciting, you mean? At least use words appropriately, boris. BTW, how is weather in mocba?
Idiot. Gonna go george when your idiot in the white house is impeached?
So, “fake news” huh? Never happened? Got one question, how do you breathe with you head so far up your ass?
There is evil in the world. Question is, why does society look away?
Or hitting the “G” spot?
5 Guys is da bomb. Nothing like hand cut fries, 5 pounds of em...
Yeah? Look up a Supreme court ruling. Barnette v West Virginia. NO YOU DON'T.
Google General Smedly Butler. It’s mind boggling
God, am I sick of these morons.
Wow! You must be in real angst. Go to road and track, they are all about throwing large at cars. Now how to bleed my brakes, thats why I come on this site. Not some richy rich whining about what sipercar to buy.
Because kids are just cannon fodder? Somebody is off their meds.
AC&T truck stop has the BEST fried chicken. Last exit before 70, go west, it’s on the left. You’re welcome.
We called it “tackle basketball"
You mean he didn’t take his ball and go home?