Wow!! Thats AWESOME! now tell us all how to live our lives, won't you? Since YOU are so smart. Fuck off repukelican.
Wow!! Thats AWESOME! now tell us all how to live our lives, won't you? Since YOU are so smart. Fuck off repukelican.
No shit? You mean the guy who voted for the bankruptcy bill? I’m not surprised.
Dang, you described my marriage. I would walk in the door and the knives would come out. “Your mother was an alcoholic, you never stayed in one place long as a kid,” just trying to push bbuttons And as hard as I would try, she succeeded. I finally had to leave. The kids didn’t deserve to hear all of that shit. They…
Motherfucker needs to be sued back to his mommas basement. When he gets out of prison, that is.
I was in high school. Oregon had even-odd days. If the last number was even, and the date eas even, you could get gas. If you got in line early enough. My friends and I would get in line by 4am and smoke weed until they opened. Then go home and ride the school bus to school.
“Liberal media” LOLOLOLOLOL.
He beat the wrong guy. If more fathers did this to the bro's doing the assaulting. Maybe the entitled little shits would think twice before they did anything. If it was my daughter? The rapist would be on a milk carton.
Makes me want to rethink my stand on capital punishment.
Gatorade bottles, driving, and living in a big truck, you aren’t always near a bathroom. And yes, I have ran into the woods to poop. I empty the bottles in the toilet.
Mu dad would leave the paper a mess. To this day, I fold it up and put the sections in order.
I always use a black ink pen. Blue, red, green (seriously?) Just make me uneasy. I am an enigma. Or just barking mad, jury is still out.
Did she release the photos? Did someone she loved and trusted play the biggest douche in history?
Wearing a toga in Bend Oregon, froze my behind off. Same party, rushing to get outside to puke, and throwing up on a girls cowboy boot. Went back in to apologize, she didn't realize it...
Lol funny.
GT40. Drool...
Didnt join the airborne armor. They pushed the tank out of an airplane then we would jump out after. I was afraid of heights. Regret it to this day
With all the choices, you pick disney? Yeah, spend your money at a misogynistic, racist,anti-worker shithole. Oh, and stand your ground. Boycot floriduh and disney.
With all the choices, you pick disney? Yeah, spend your money at a misogynistic, racist,anti-worker shithole. Oh,…
They can fuck off. I hadn’t watched the show. Was told one where some dumbass wrote a musical. ABOUT RAPING LITTLE BOYS. Had it done to me as a small child. Not fucking funny.AT.ALL. so flame away assholes. I’ve lived through far worse.
Anything you Magats don't like is fake news. We all know your game. So keep shouting. They will all face the mudic. Then what? 2nd amendment solution? You are on the wrong side of history. Tell your grandkids what you just wrote. You will be a lonely old man.
No comment from the football bro’s wife? I guess her lawyer will do the talking.