Yeah? Try a TANK.
Yeah? Try a TANK.
Speaking from experiance. Yep it screws you up. I was 4 when I was abused. 47 years later it still messes with my mind.
Huh? Racists gotta open the piehole.
Sure, and only white land owners can vote. Oh, MALE land owners.
Damnit, just god damnit.
“Jobless”? Lol
Lemme guess, you’re rich. And voted for it.
If my son was injured on the job, and was treated as this kid was, they woild HAVE ME to contend with. Nobody fucks with my kids. NOBODY
If you can’t blind em with brilliance, baffle them with b.s. First thing they teach in law school.
News flash: we don’t live in the dark ages.
Tiller the killer ring a bell? But o’liely didnt get a visit.
She had PINE NEEDLES inside her.
This POS is doing this for the $$$. A bit ago he asked for money from his peeps.
I guess you make lots of friends, calling people dummies and all....
If she comes back to town, these bros better lay low. And how satisfying would it be that they got “accidentally” hurt?
This seriously makes me wonder why there isn’t more stories of women bashing the heads of some of these assholes. Some of these people need it badly.
Uh-huh. And where is the proof?
Back in the 80's worked a fine dining place on Maui.
Get back in the kitchen, eh? Maybe YOU need to grow up and realize it aint all about you. Women are good at with it.
Got my first speeding ticket EVER.