
True but the financial success is all that matters, especially since it makes Apple feel no pressure to do better. Yes they have been panned by some critics from time to time, but Apple users still foolishly camp out for practically the same phone yearly. Most of their press ends up being very positive as well.

It’s ironic that you posted something very similar to what you claim is going to be a problem in these comments.

It’s the truth though....is it not?

It’s because everything Apple does is regarded as Jesus level innovation. It’s kind of like the story “TheEmperor has no clothes” Apple users  are the emperor.

She loves the notch because everyone will be able to know you’re using and iPhone x. It’s a poor design indeed. It doesn’t even work properly with existing apps yet. And video has difficulty going full screen.

I find it funny that the killer app for the phone is facial ID. Something that Android has had for about 4 years now.

Funny I have never had any of my 4 Samsungs fail, not even my note 7. No screen issues, no charging issues.

Buy a Samsung. Tripple tapping home shrinks the entire screen so you don’t have to reach across. Triple tap again to enlarge, problem solved.

Buy a phone with minimal bezels and you will quickly learn to despise the fact that bezels ever existed.

“Yes, the word has literal meaning. But when used ad nauseum it becomes useless”

Fasely equivalency. Try again.

 Yet no one believes Weinstein is innocent, so how exactly has the word been weaponised against women and victims? Makes no sense what so ever.

“The point the writer makes is that the press protects presumption of innocence to an extraordinary degree when it’s a man accused of sex crimes by a woman.”

Such nonsense. In what way is calling something an Allegation not “believing women” or not taking said Allegations seriously?

Um no.... The same rules apply. Hence the continued use of the word. No matter how “woke” society is forcing us to be.

You have proven nothing. So using “allegedly” won’t protect from a lawsuit, who cares?

So very untrue.

Allegation could not be more clear. It’s the perfect word by definition. An accusation of a crime without proof is an Allegation.

Yeah... Sorry but that’s just not true. It’s not a term only used when discussing “powerless people.” No matter how much we would like to believe that’s the case.

What a load of bullshit you just wrote. First you said the word has no meaning to you because you “already made up your mind.” (like most people)