I will say that I always prefer manual seats. The “infinite” seating position possibilities aren’t worth the extra weight and long-term potential for issues.
I will say that I always prefer manual seats. The “infinite” seating position possibilities aren’t worth the extra weight and long-term potential for issues.
This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.
Keep in mind I’ve seen this grille... a lot.. already. Maybe I’m just already used to it. I came around to the X7 after driving it. I support chaos BMW.
Geriatric driver mistakes gas for brake. Tale as old as time.
Oh, I was so worried... My Roma would be delayed. /s
I’d just pray the damn screen doesn’t die on me, especially when it controls everything. Lord knows they’d want an arm and a leg to fix/replace it.
The knobs are a consideration in buying a GTI now instead of waiting for the new model.
Knobs forever! The fact that we’re replacing tactile features for something you can only control by looking at it while you click is not only annoying and unsafe, but completely unsatisfying. If I wanted to play on my tablet I would have stayed on the couch!
Patrick George hired a writer for Jalopnik who didn’t even own a car.
I was surprised to learn that 346,639 Minis were sold (to whom?) last year
Jesus Christ folks are paying a lot of money to cosplay as outdoorsy!
Those probably fit 18s. I personally think 18" is a great size for a sporty car.
use the production decade of the above as a baseline, add 1" for each decade to determine best wheel size over time.
What is it with Jalops and the obsession with small ass wheels? 17 minimum. Even old cars. Enough with this bullshit, thank you.
You spelled 17's wrong Raph.
Not many folks were rooting against Mo’. Most folks were just of the opinion she was tripping and if she didn’t like the Netflix deal, the proper move was to go prove them wrong, not try to elevate it to civil rights status.
It is a pretty decent looking car. It’s a shame the engine/transmission and interior are all shit.
A fine looking Kia if you ask me.