I don’t think the inherently violent job of being an NFL player and your job creating TPS reports at a desk is an apples to apples comparison.
I don’t think the inherently violent job of being an NFL player and your job creating TPS reports at a desk is an apples to apples comparison.
Paul Woodrugh, Landscaper: “These trees. They have leaves all over them.”
“These scripts...shit all over them.”
Everything is fucking
“The colonel is coming after you.”
MBD - I know that name-calling is unintelligent, immature, and does nothing to elevate the discourse but I did not want to miss this opportunity to call you a twat.
You are, of course, welcome to your opinion, but your opinion fucking sucks.
Thanks, 1800’s gentleman with a long cane and pointy beard!
Meek Mill has assembled a collection of artists to respond on a posse cut, these artists include:
At my company's first office, there was a secluded conference room no one ever went to. I get the bright idea to talk my girlfriend into fooling around there. Not 2 minutes in, the cleaning lady opens the door, takes a couple steps in the room, spies us, and does the fastest pirouette right back out. That ended my…
“I’m so sick of this fu——- bu——— you c—-.”
Also, cruises are mobile fucking death traps, where your death is never investigated. You can disappear on day 1 and they won’t investigate anything until the boat docks at the end of it’s “voyage.” You have better odds of winning the Lottery on a leap year, while winning the super bowl than having a cruise ship death…
Someone raped it worse, so we’re cool?
It’s great that he was a good friend. Before judging those nasty, filthy commenters that never knew him, though, maybe you should consider whether some of the people that Deadspin et al slag on might also be decent people who are beloved by their colleagues. This is what people—including Deadspin writers—do on the…
If you don’t want people commenting on something, then don’t post it across a network of websites whose business model is premised on an active and often inflammatory comments section. Since when is Gawker Media or Kinja about what is wanted, needed, or pertinent? I don’t care about Albert Burneko’s family any more or…
Ooh, hot take here. I feel burnt.
Seriously. How did he get into moderately good shape, between all his spending money and free time?
It’s actually something that’s never been nearly as much of a pain as I would have expected. Did it once with all the wax tightly laid out along the floor of the U-Haul, and otherwise I’ve just moved them around by the crate, as many car trips as needed. The difference between doing that at 30 and then 40+ though...…
Please nobody do this. I don't care how much caffeine you've had, 51 hours without sleep puts you and everyone else sharing the road with you at enormous risk