Phillip DiCucci

You mean, like, being himself?

As a Jets fan I want Darnold to be amazing for the Jets and better than Rosen, but I really wanted Rosen and think they will regret not taking him. I hope both are good enough that it won’t matter. A 1A and 1B situation. Actually, I hope Baker and Jackson are both amazing too. Anyone but Josh Allen, really. Fuck that

Both yellow cards were yellow cards. The first one was obvious and the second was harsh, maybe, but still correct. Coming in late and standing on a guy’s ankle is a booking if you aren’t already on a yellow and should still be one if you are.

Chuck! Chuck, it’s Marvin. Your landlord, MARVIN HARRISON! You know that money you owe me? Well listen to this...{hits with bat}.

You know who writes articles like this? The hole of an ass.

“Boys have a stamen. Girls have a pistil.”

Dyslexia’s a hell of a drug

Suárez didn’t score a single penalty in his 31-goal season in 2013-14 (though he did have a mind-boggling 21 assists...)

Simple. Aguero is a cunt and no one likes him. Also, you’re a cunt for calling him “Kun Aguero.” I hope this helps.

Because there aren’t any major tournaments this summer.

I can’t wait to see what Billy packs into 3,000 words and one sentence on this story.

Mitch was only successful because of who he had around him. When combined with Jim Buss he was radioactive...

here’s me, feeling bad that a team with a shitty fanbase probably won’t have a chance this to win their eighteenth NBA title this year

I’m no doctor, but leaving a wire in an NBA basketball player’s knee does not sound like a practical long-term solution, but maybe his doctors didn’t consider the rotational forces at work.

This might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for Josh Rosen.

Kawhi ask Kawhi?

Hey, man. What did etc. ever do to you?

Yeah, his legs practically look like Joel-lo. They’re shot, indiid.

Oh, look! When Harry Kane/Tottenham don’t get a bunch of bullshit penalties and offsides goals allowed, they lose! Weird!

At the pace this series is progressing, probably Judith. or old age.