Phillip DiCucci

Erik Estrada’s face looks like a terrible shop.


The only one I recognize is SVG and Fat Porn Dude, but it's more than enough for a star. I don't know how to submit pictures but I nominate Daniel Tosh and Tom Brady.

Stopped reading at “Pool Boys.”

This guy fucks.

Billy also fails to note that Leicester plays hardball over their transfer fee evaluations. They made City go through two windows before they let Mahrez leave. And they got their price.

de Ligt could write his own ticket anywhere in the world and set himself up with pretty much the ideal situation at Juventus.

I agree with everything you wrote, but it’s actually been refreshing for me, as a United fan, to see them develop some self-awareness this summer. They could’ve given in to Dybala’s wage demands, but they finally realized that throwing cash at a player who doesn’t really want to play for you isn’t a great strategy. A

It took me a minute to realize those were two photos side by side, and not one photo showing one Thunder player doubled over in ball pain while a rampaging Green kicks another one in the balls right next to him.

That’s more of a Phoenix thing.

Those articles are the worst.  Usually I just ignore them but occasionally one grabs my attention, so instead of clicking on an ad I’ll go DDG it.

Not to mention just recently there was the article about how the Pelicans' front office is a mess since the organization is built off of a football organization.

We’ve traded a superstar in his prime for all these draft picks!” is what many, many teams have said just prior to screwing everything up by a) selecting the wrong players or b) screwing up their development after selecting them. The odds are still stacked pretty heavily against the Pelicans, but for now their fans

It really is astounding how quickly this fell apart! They went into the year chest-out, squawking about championships... they ended it with a mess in their shorts and publicly snot-crying.
As another (universally reviled) Cs fan, I am not at all surprised Al wants out. He is and was a consummate professional who

The Lakers got to keep their best young asset in exchange for a future first rounder that likely won’t be in the lottery. I don’t understand the “Pelicans made out like bandits” narrative at all. They got a good deal that is considerably less of a sure thing than they were offered a few months ago.

Counterpoint: Someone else did that work. Magic wasn’t in the office those days.

Ball is an upgraded Eric Snow. He makes Ben Simmons look like Steph Curry. An effing PG shooting 40% on the free-throw line. How can you play a PG in the 4th quarter who is vulnerable to hack-a-shaq strategy?

Lakers have had a bunch of young, promising players with some nice picks ahead of them for a few years now. Two or three years later, half those young guys bailed anyway and the cycle started over drafting Hart, Kuz, BI, Ball......And they’ve sucked balls and missed the playoffs and were FAR from escaping mediocrity.

Mate, “entire future”? A bust, a backup, a guy whose ceiling is the third-best player on a contender, the fourth pick in a three-player draft, and two guaranteed to be late future ones. For Anthony Fucking Davis.