Tell me more about this “lot of free cocaine” I’ve heard so much about...
Tell me more about this “lot of free cocaine” I’ve heard so much about...
Tell me about it...
Are you sure that doesn’t excuse child molestation?? Okay, an easier one, what does excuse child molestation? The moon walk? Just curious.
I worked at a law firm that represented MJ in the early 2000s. Reading through those files still haunts me.
Kyle Korver and Ashton Kutcher
More like shaved-lip versions of Cesar.
My old trainer, Mickey, used to say, “The friends who roid together, chess together.” And it looks like he wasn’t wrong. Rest in Peace T-.0010!
Better pass him dem peppers if you want that.
He what?? He revealed his WHAT??? {smacking sound}
(doubly so if Tierney and a CB are brought in by Thursday)
Who plays defense for Arsenal again??
I’m sure Egg is a great person.
Even with Le Corbusier??? Now I HAVE heard everything!
Side note: The referee had braces on her bottom teeth. Don’t know why, but that doesn’t inspire confidence to see in your top whistleblower. It wouldn’t inspire confidence if it were the TOP man either.
This gets un-greyed here??? Pretty sure it’s Dolan’s burner account.
NorCal is as close to SoCal as Kushner is to Middle East peace.
Just giving more than the couple of positive comparisons from the article. Kobe was also raping at a much younger age than Durant who {checks notes} hasn’t raped anyone, so he’ll likely be fine.