Kazuhira (master) Miller

It’s a stupid meme that Twitter edgelords love to use. It’s supposed to be “let that sink in.”

I can almost sort of understand his desire to be loved by internet randos (after all, I’m posting on the internet), but to be admired by these people? Libertarians and far right nut jobs? Who would want their love? If crypto bros and Nazis were hanging on my every word, I’d be doing some serious introspection.

Actually, I think that fits perfectly in line. He doesn’t believe the actual people who did the work should get credit there, either.

Sounds more they have a fetish about being kidnapped.

There is no reasoning with people who think that his sink bit was anything but cringe.

It seems like every other article on here recently is dunking on Elon Musk.

Welcome to the Nextdoor app.

In this case the numbers don’t make sense. Clearly plenty of people voted for Rand Paul, so why didn’t they vote the same direction on abortion?

This is his neighbor and the kid was in her own front yard.  WTF.

Lady, the only reason the GOP has a chance to take the House and you get to keep your filibuster in the Senate is because enough Republicans had the sense to run as fast as they could from your shit.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a sentence that neatly summarizes the white suburban American mindset as this one. Trapped in their own homes, constantly spying on the neighbor next door, always miserable despite having everything going their way. 

Wait, wait, wait. They named themselves after Susan B. Anthony?

That... doesn’t make any sense.

“We broke our backs to help him win, but he did a very poor job saying what he would do for the people of Pennsylvania on the pro-life front,” she complained

I hope they listen to her since her position is so deeply unpopular it will ensure continued electoral defeats. On the other hand hiding from your actual beliefs and positions is a losing proposition too

Hey that’s unfair! Butt plugs have a use and have given a lot of pleasure to people. This chud? Not so much.

Sisi, you get a lot of shit on this website, and you just keep wading back in clad in anime-style, gacha-themed, unapologetically progressive armor with a giant buster sword engtaved ‘the blade with which I slew the last fucks I had to give’ and daring those motherfuckers to give you more. So let me just say:

Sisi Jiang: Points out false narratives that a game designer is to justify a false, racist [metaphorical] image of a real place. (That racist image is the designer’s uncritical basis for presenting a world with zero racial diversity.)
Is also a game designer.
Is Asian American.
Introduced herself to Kotaku with an

Oh, this is going to get so many weirdos going off on one about how because Japan does something distasteful in something they are selling to a global audience we can’t criticise it (even though they will criticise the “forced diversity” of titles developed across the world).

I don’t play many JRPGs so I can’t speak to that genre specifically but we’ve seen this recently in the fighting game space where after the reveal that Bridget from Guilty Gear was a trans woman, you had people of the absolute worst weab variety coming out of the woodwork to claim the following in sequence: it was a