Or you can just snip a hole in the top (air cell end) of the egg and put a piece of clear tape over it. That's how it's been done for a long time.
Wow. I grew up on the Oregon coast and how it used to be illegal to be black in Oregon was definitely part of our curriculum in middle and high schools.
"Does the king of the Watusis drive an automobile? "
Just exactly this.
This made me think of shiptits, then I laughed for about 2 minutes straight because I'm on cold medicine.
Yeah I've candled a lot of chicken eggs and the embryos never looked like that. You mostly see veins and shadows.
That's a full slip (she was wearing the sparkly dress earlier) and the back just has a cut out.
I frequently refer to my dog as "The Poopsmith"
I'd star this twice if I could!
Really? I distinctly remember an intermission in Titanic, but maybe that was just the theater I was in.
When my brother was very young, maybe 2 or 3, he was terrified of contrails and would run inside whenever we'd see one. This was in the early 80's so I guess he was just ahead of the conspiracy curve.
Aule made the dwarves of his own will and even offered to destroy them, but Iluvatar accepted them as his adopted children. I think Melkor wanted to dominate and rule the song, not just make something of his own. He was full of discord from the get-go.
Haha, this movie scared the bejeezus out of me. I was maybe 10 years old when I saw it, though.
How lovely! I adore field guides, and collected all sorts of Audubon guides when I was a kid. Just looking at them now I found a bunch of pencilled notes on birds and insects I had seen that I don't even remember making.
I don't really care for any of the Spiderman movies all that much, the old trilogy or the new two. I usually enjoy comic book movies, even the cruddy ones, so maybe I just have a problem with Spiderman.
Yep that was me, just blithely traipsing into his dungeon.
One of my dogs passed away unexpectedly at home last year. It was extremely traumatic for my husband. Even in very old age, they don't always just pass in their sleep. I'd recommend having a plan for your sake and your cat's.