Kay Mariev

Sounds way more culty than I would be comfortable with, especially traveling out of the country. Have you privately spoken to anyone in the group? The whole thing is just making me think too good to be true, like after your first paycheck they expect you to tithe 90% back to the group or some weirdness. At the end of

I wonder if the real problem might be that your husband is often on the road. Maybe try refocusing on him and arrange some date nights and fun stuff for when he is home. It sounds like you are a good person who is doing the right thing, don't beat yourself up over something that's in your head.

Totally respect your choice to not marry, but just so you know if you have federal student loans in the US your spouse would not be on the hook for them unless you each had loans and consolidated them together. I have big student debt, so that was important for me, too. That said, I lived with my husband for eight

If you don't ask, you can be sure they won't pay any of it. Gather your courage and present your case! As an employer (I only have about 12 employees, but still) I really like it when people come to me so we can work on solving things instead of ignoring them until they blow up. Good luck!

Lately I've been distracting myself with episodes of Lost Girl on Netflix. Good if you're into the sexy urban fantasy thing.

Hang in there. My mother in law and I had it pretty rough at first - we are from two very different cultures and she was not at all shy about letting me know that she didn't approve of her only son marrying a white woman. We are close now but it took work - just like any relationship. Most importantly, I think, is

Dreams of flying.

I agree and even recall a line of dialog in DA2 referring to how Ferelden had been so brown.

I married my husband after we had lived together for eight years. Our wedding was in a courthouse then barbecue for our very small party afterwards. No presents. For me it was perfection because we could afford what I really wanted - the down payment on a house.

I tried just reading the all caps words to see if maybe it was a code.

My forays through Wal-mart do not support your suggestion that the most attractive are the most likely to reproduce.

I was shooting real rifles at about that age, propped up on a saw horse under the supervision of my dad. On another note, I remember shooting off the head of the man on the Mills Bros coffee can and how funny all the adults thought that was. Those are the very same adults who today are likely blaming video games for

Yes. You could have a zombie-looking head with say rotten skin and a snarl and green eyes that isn't nearly as icky because it retains the context of the fantasy even apart from the game. You take the game away from this and you have the torso of a butchered woman.

Ugh and his blog.

So bra complaints. I ordered three Maidenform bras online because I had worn the brand before and didn't want to go to the mall. Each was in a different color but all were the same design and size. NONE of them fit the same. The blue had a band three inches longer than the others. The beige had too small cups. And the

Our house rules stated that one could only speak in French (or Franglish) while playing. Panne d'essence! Mon Dieu!

Meh. I think for most people it just signifies that the pet is dependent and part of a family. Of course there are always the sort who take it a bit far.

Ugh. What a day. I blew up at my MIL over a huge expense she racked up at the small business we own together while I was out on my first vacation in five years. Not yelling really, but rather strenuous about my displeasure.

Same here, bummed if I've really got to play a human inquisitor :S

My brother and I used to play with an old set my uncle had. It had no instructions and was utterly mystifying. I think we mostly turned it on to make noise.