Kay Mariev

I have a Because You Watched "Into the Woods" category that is nothing but gay and lesbian movies that as far as I can tell aren't musicals.

and murder!

Hedonism as a pink triangle, eh?

Yeah there was one guy RandomName123, I think, who was totally sketchy.

I went back up to look closer, then laughed until I cried.

My in-laws live in a murder-suicide house and it's gorgeous and in a fantastic location. It probably helps that the neighborhood is new and still being developed so there aren't a lot of people/neighbors who know about it.

Must be one of those broken holodeck storylines - pass.

I've sent my husband's bluetooth headset through the wash and dryer multiple times (I'm bad at checking pockets, okay), that thing is unkillable.

I'm one of those, and sometimes have trouble keeping up my end of "small talk" conversations. If someone went out of the way to point out my awkwardness, I would just be mortified. Much like when people feel the need to point out that I blush when put on the spot in front of strangers. Not helpful!

I don't recall ever actually believing, my younger brother and I just played along but were never particularly credulous. Santa now sends me my stocking in the mail every Christmas...and I'm 32.

I miss Cinematech, I would put it on at night and fall asleep to cut scenes.

I had a similar problem when I started, but it cleared up after I started using a fold that was easier for me to insert. This site helped me a lot: http://menstrual-cups.livejournal.com/453392.html

Wow, had a major flashback to those fuzzy animal families reading your post. I had totally forgotten I had a set of grey bears and just loved them.

For a second there I thought Barbie was on the roof with a sniper rifle.

I think they're referring to "Athena."

I just wish we got stickers!

It looks a lot like the funky old cash register touchscreens I have at my store - laggy and prone to miscalibration.

This will my first Halloween in my new house. My neighbor already has his haunted house up and running and says that we should expect 500 elementary and middle school aged kids. I have a large assortment of chocolate candies, non-chocolate candies, gum, and little toys, and I AM SO EXCITED!

Geez, I'm glad she didn't run into that person. Being my father's only child, I got a lot of the 'be aware of your surroundings' and 'trust your instincts' stuff drilled into me. Not in a live in fear sort of way but more a be prepared to act kind of thing. And you know, running away was the most unselfconscious thing