Yes, that makes it hard. I've been there. We lived with my parents for quite a while. Sometimes you just have to paint on a smile to cover that "you-said-that-out-loud?!" moment and think about the future when you won't have to put up with them.
Yes, that makes it hard. I've been there. We lived with my parents for quite a while. Sometimes you just have to paint on a smile to cover that "you-said-that-out-loud?!" moment and think about the future when you won't have to put up with them.
Yesterday I got on the highway behind a slowpoke. I moved over a lane, close to the car already in that lane. The guy behind him sped up to ride my bumper and flash his brights. I was going the same speed as they were when I changed lanes. So I took my foot off the gas pedal and dropped about 6 miles per hour to speed…
So they stayed in your house and were openly rude to your husband? I don't think I would extend an invitation for a while.
February is the worst because it is usually one paycheck less to pay all the bills.
I only recently found regular bras that fit me and that I like. I have re-injured my back every time I have exercised for the last 4 months, so I'm not allowed to excercise right now anyway.
This was the first thing I've seen by her, but I think I'll be watching the others soon.
I watched Another Earth last night. It reminded me a lot of Moon.
Pineapple slush from Sonic with a liberal dose of Malibu.
Bravo to your dedication. My daughter is a freshman in public school, but, yes, we have seen the active discouragment. It hasn't come up with class schedule yet, but kids and teachers act shocked when she shows up for robotics club and engineering club.
I watched Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls on the weekends. I'm bummed.
You need to go buy some crock pot bags. They make cleaning that huge ceramic bowl ridiculously easy.
You can use the electric blanket to warm your bed and then turn it off and unplug it before you go to sleep. That's what the instructions on mine say anyway. There is a fire risk, but not so much if you don't sleep with it on.
They are 14.5. A girl and a boy.
I hope you got something good for dinner for yourself.
I use the ring and we still rarely do things where sperm might meet egg.
I don't remember my twins that young because I was so sleep deprived. I hope someone gives you regular naps.
If I could gift my fertility, I would send it to you wrapped with a pretty bow.
I would still report it. It could have been a unique occurrence, but if the fridge is starting to have problems, it will probably happen again. The switches are really there for safety.
The fridge is usually on a separate fuse from any other plugs near it. If you have a fuse box you can get to, you can check to see if the fuse is out or the switch is thrown. (We have switches.)