Katriona's Burner

“What kind of fuckery is this?”

You’re assuming the police (and the courts) are equipped to deal with sexual assault, sadly there is scant evidence of that

YES I was *just* thinking this.

Maybe we should only pay 76% of the tuition (adjust based on your race...)

Will they though? Are they going to nag a person that is already suffering from having their house broken into? Sounds like a dick cop. There is plenty of advice, like lock your doors, hide the empty boxes that will tell people what you got for Christmas. But that won’t stop people. I have seen a lot of people break

No kidding. We don’t bring in the big bucks. It’s not just the tuition money, it’s all the money men like this bring in because of collegiate sports. If you can swim or row or throw a misshapen ball - and do this while possessing an extra appendage - then your bright future must not be sabotaged by your own lack of

What I got from your comment is that you think Turner’s trial was a sham—meaning the ultimate outcome was a sick joke and justice was in no way served. That’s how I’m reading it.

Let’s call it an honor code violation then. If a student can be expelled for cheating, they should be expelled for rape as well. You don’t need a legal court to decide if you’re going to kick someone out of a school for committing either act.

And they don’t care that SHE is no longer paying tuition, after however many years of doing so? Jesus the “bright future sports dude” theory is strong with this one.

Dude. Don’t.

Fuck Brock Turner and fuck you, too.

Obviously, yes they do. They might not say it out right but their actions or lack of actions say yes, that “rapist” should be protected. Look at the Brock Turner case. Yeah, the jury said he did it but the judge was like “Nah, bro. He’s a good kid that made a mistake. A star athlete that has sooo much potential.”

At this rate, it would be better to go to the police because the school has a vested interest in keeping its football players and paying students with it.

I am so bone tired of this too. I’m tired of even micro aggressions (verbal aggressions) against women and POC, but mostly women, i.e., little put-downs interruptions, ribbing that don’t get said to the men present, personally, since I have to deal with it even from lefty guys. I thought by the time I’d reach the age

That statement reveals a stunning disconnect: that person leaped right over the tuition-paying rape victim and straight to the man with the bright future.

I am so with you! I always say this: If a house is broken into, people don’t go around saying you should have bars on your window. Why did you leave your house alone? Your house was so inviting, the burglar couldn’t resist. And they don’t use the lack of security, etc. to let the burglar off the hook. So why do we do

“Being expelled is really a life-changing punishment,”

Imagine a student who has paid 180K in tuition to an institution that sided with her rapist for no better reason than the fact that he can throw a misshapen brown ball.

What kind of fuckery is this?

i am so fucking sick of people defending rapists and whining about the severity of the proposed punishment. BEING RAPED is a life-changing event, AND one the victim did not choose. RAPING someone IS something the perpetrator chose to do, so THEY should face the consequences. UGGGHHHHH