Katriona's Burner

I bought a DVF dress from TJMaxx and didn’t realize until I got it home that it still had the security tag on it. It made me wonder why the alarm didn’t go off when I was leaving, because I didn’t recall the cashier “disarming” the tag or anything, and plus why would they disarm the tag without also removing it? It

Exactly. After the election (and still) a lot of Trump supporters have been gleeful about liberal disappointment and butt-hurtedness. I want to be like, don’t you get it? This man may not actually be compos mentis, and he could very well get us all killed. It’s really not about the red team beating the blue team.

hey now....there were definitely people at Jonestown who raised objections and tried to escape. Some were successful.

I don’t think he even realizes that he confirmed that Russia hacked the DNC, as a fact. They’re just words to him, and he’s playing to his supporters. But it’s a new game and he’s still playing by the old rules.

No, he damaged his short term memory centers with amphetamines... *cough* cheap diet pills *cough* trying to keep the weight off. He has the vocabulary of a five year old on crack... but the decisions he’s making are too purposeful to be based on a shoddy assembly of neurons. Therefore the only conclusion I can come

Maybe I shouldn’t disagree with this hypothesis, seeing as how I know next to nothing about the early stages of Alzheimer’s, but I really don’t think it’s dementia. I genuinely believe this is what it looks like when a 70-year-old man has never attempted to seriously educate himself, does not read anything


I made this the other night because fuck this guy

That’s my response to every utterance of his name, along with “Just shut up, you fucking imbecile.”

It is so, so bad when Mike Pence is a better option.

Any sister with enough money for a Maserati who doesn’t keep you in La Mer until your pores shrink is a total bitch.

“I don’t mean to judge”

And then you dismissed me! Hahahah omg.

I understand that you are above this kind of entertainment. I mean you make it.clear. But it’s a popular show and a lot.of us like it. My question for you is why do you comment on something you despise? Other than as a reason to feel, in a really small and pathetic way, intellectually superior.

It’s not a zero sum game. Jezebel also has thoughtful, well-written work. If reality shows aren’t for you, fine. Just read their other stuff.

Shut up, judgey. Some of us like these recaps for various reasons. You didn’t have to click on the article or even read it if it’s not your cup of tea. Fuck.

He is a leering pustule.

LARD, can we also talk about the horrible Timber Creek Lodge show and VPR? On each episode Monday night someone used the term “misogyny” or “misogynist” and the person they said it to (another woman) was like “Wha? Huh? What’s that?” And then had to have it explained. Sad! Also surprising that someone on either of

Omigod it is killlllling me. It’s soooooo boring. I also wish Dorit realized that constantly berating Erica because her husband couldn’t stop staring at her crotch makes her husband look like a total lecherous creep

Can we all agree that losing Kim and gaining Dorit is the biggest tragedy of the housewives era? God Dorit is terrible.