I just read it in Bugs Bunny’s accent.
I just read it in Bugs Bunny’s accent.
He really is acting like he’s still on the campaign trail and all he has to do is be sure to get some buzzwords out to make the rally-goers cheer. The fact that he’s still constantly on Hillary still makes me think that, too.
Somewhere above someone posted a link to a more in-depth article, and it sounds like he refused to re-do (or complete? it sounded like she got shorted on something) the order, so she then requested the refund.
I’ve long been convinced that her end game is to outlive Chuckles.
And vote!
Now I understand why my mom cried when I left for college. She says I was just turning human again when I bailed out on her!
The difference is that Trump’s not a protected class.
Call me when Trump becomes a protected class. Actually, that may not be far off. I’m sure he’ll fix it so that he is.
OMG, my mother is the fucking queen of “just smile and you’ll feel better!” No, Mom, I take Paxil so I don’t throatpunch people like you who just. Don’t. Get. It.
It seems to be. I finally unfriended someone - not for being a conservative, but for following/stalking my ‘likes’ and trolling the pages. I could live with it when it was public pages, but when he started dropping his punchbowl turds on my friends’ pages (not even mutual friends, total strangers to him), it was the…
I’ll be at the one in Kansas City.
Objection - unfair to jackasses.
I was catching up on the Wars of Roses cycle of the Hollow Crown on PBS, and in a “behind the scenes” segment, the director was saying that the plays attempt to answer the question of how many bad decisions it takes to put a psychopath in power.
I’ve always preferred “Wintour of our discontent.”
He’s a total Cartman. I got mine, so screw the rest of you guys.
My uncle must be Merlin and ageing backwards. He’s actually starting to turn human (ish) in his old age after a lifetime of being that way.
I’m surprised they didn’t have their liability in mind - if they knew, and he did this to someone while he was attending, they could be in for a world of lawsuits.