Katriona's Burner

This post doesn’t mention how an officer showed up to confront Crichton, who not only confessed but was proud of calling Ford and her children a racial slur — and then came back later when Crichton called to complain about a protester. Crichton had the fucking balls to insist the whole thing was overblown and a

“Critchton claimed that ‘nothing racial took place’ with Ford, despite boasting about using the slur to the same officer just hours before.

Major props to DQ Corporate — they pulled this guy’s franchise agreement and shuttered the store ASAP.

I’m confused. Are you blaming her for requesting a refund or blaming him for his reaction to the request? The wording is kind of weird.

Oh, she can take legal action. The only thing worth clarifying is that this isn’t a criminal offense.

I would hope that another Franchise owner or business in the area would offer them some work, if they could. However there may be a world where Dairy Queen drops a little money the employees in order to avoid lawsuits against their company for the franchise owners previous behavior. ‘Cause sure as eggs are eggs this

I think you misread something. Ford is the customer who was insulted. The police and mayor are on her side, not the side of the racist guy.

Not only that, but it seems his racist fuckery violated the terms of his franchise agreement. DQ terminated the contract and took his business away. I feel bad for the employees who are losing their jobs, but this type of swift retribution against deplorable behavior is refreshing.

I’m not surprised either. I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and still live there. My family was at a local festival and some ignorant dude decided to complain about how many black people were in Chicago, right next to us. We’re an interracial family, so we all turned and looked at him. Then he started apologizing and

It would be truly beautiful if the officer was a POC and this fucker is so dumb that he didn’t bother looking the cop in the face bc “they all look alike”

nice find! and a shout-out to deianeira’s parents for giving her such a kick-ass (and beautiful) name.

“After Ford explained what happened, the officer informed Crichton that she was ‘so disturbed’ by the owner’s behavior that she was willing to sign a complaint against him”.

I’d just like to point out that the name of the woman involved was “Deianeira” - Deianeira was the name of an Amazon, and it meant “Man Destroyer”.

Its like when I hear white people in SF complaining about Chinese people. Thats how I know they are a recent transplant. They know fuck-all about the city.

Because unlike racial slurs lying to the cops IS an arrest-able offence.

He admitted to a police officer he made the racist remarks; then when the same police officer later returned to the store, he didn’t realize it was the same officer and denied he’d made the remarks. He tried to deny reality, he just didn’t get away with it.

I heard about this story this weekend and at first the owner denied using racial slurs and said the story was being blown out of proportion. That’s when the news reporters came with the receipts and showed him the police report. They were like, well are you saying you lied to the police then? He had no choice but to