
Good luck! However, I don’t think you’ll need it. You’re self-aware, proactive, and have a strong support system. :)

You’re not alone. Your feelings are perfectly natural. You don’t need to feel guilty. Remember, you have an illness. You’re not choosing to have symptoms for poops and giggles.

Have you ever thought about attending some peer-led support groups? Some of the responses here are myopic. I think having a community of

Don’t feel bad about yourself! Most people don’t just “nip it in the bud.” Plus, what I’ve found is that people who aren’t medicated and are in recovery are white-knuckling it a lot of the time. I did this for a few years, and it was completely unnecessary. I was reducing my quality of life just to make a point to

I hate to be this guy. But I will be. It sounds like you have Bipolar II or maybe Bipolar unspecified. Bipolar I is a completely different animal. It seems like you’re getting by on outpatient programs only and can’t conceive of the problems that require life-long intermittent stints in inpatient programs. You know,

Thanks for the encouragement! You’re right, it’s no joke! Even in recovery, I have symptoms. Plus, it’s constant maintenance e.g. meds, outpatient program, individual therapy, behavioral techniques, good lifestyle choices. And because I’m human, I slip. I am not working out or eating healthy at all!

I think bipolar disorder makes him think that the latter is worthy of inclusion in public discourse. It can make him think that his ideas are better than they are. And BP can definitely affect your critical thinking skills.

Also, not everyone is or can be an intellectual. His ministry is in rapping and producing. It’s

I’ll admit that asshole is a really strong word. I’m just using it as shorthand for how it comes off to people sometimes. If someone doesn’t know you’re struggling with a mental health condition, you may seem like a jerk to them. Hell, even if they know you have a mental illness, they might think that you’re purposely

I think that the people don’t understand what bipolar is like. They have a surface understanding of the condition based on a one-page description they found on the web. The symptoms and treatment are incredibly complex. For Kanye, this is compounded by him having a platform. Looking at this video, I wish his love ones

To medicate or not medicate is a pretty big deal in the mental health community, so I wouldn’t judge your dad for choosing not to take his medication. The side effects of mental health medications are awful. Plus, in the case of bipolar disorder, your mind is telling you that you’re not sick and that everyone else is

One woman believed that her child was the second coming of Jesus during a manic episode. One major feature of mania is grandiosity. How is that anything but being a narcissistic asshole? What is this push to pretend that bipolar symptoms don’t make you an asshole sometimes?

I’m bipolar, and if I’m having an episode,

It’s not “just because.” When you’re manic, you can feel like you’re the greatest, god-like. And when you’re depressed, you can feel like the lowest piece of %&$^.

I use a mix b/c the several from scratch recipes I’ve used always taste too eggy to me. Just saying.

My mom has been wearing the mask. She didn’t care at all!

To be fair to Fauci, gov’t officials were always clear that they were discouraging mask use to save them for health professionals.

The My Lai Massacre for one.

dup post

According to Mrs. Obama, that really is his personality. I’ve seen him raise his voice slightly, but that’s it. That alone doesn’t make him complicit.

That’s exactly how this reads. Not cool.

This is a Boondocks episode come to life.