
She’d still be Queen in both places. Old skool rules: When a woman marries, her holdings become her husbands, she is chattel. Only difference is if you’re a high noble and you marry below you, you would still keep your courtesy title of your previous rank, but your husband would technically own you and all your land.

I know it’s just a typo, but I *really* like the idea of “Queen Reagent.” All hail Queen Dioxane! LONG LIVE QUEEN AMMONIA II!

It seems weird to me that someone who is a member of the monarchy would not understand how monarchies work.

We get it Canada. You just elected Justin Trudeau. We’re all super stoked for you.

Not headed for Harvard this fall. She’s taking a gap year and working at, I believe, the US Embassy in Spain. (I know more about the Obama family than I know about my own sometimes)...

She and John are some of the greatest gifts Jon Stewart ever gave us, I cant wait to see Jessica rise to the occasion as well.


Thank. Fucking. God.

Good for her - she’s hilarious and definitely too good for the current iteration of TDS.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

Kim remembers numerous interactions at readings where someone—“often white, often male, inevitably hostile”—would challenge her work, claiming North Korea wasn’t that bad...

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

You should change the headline - even if just for this woman's sake - yes, she had an abortion but she did so for a very specific reason and it's click bait to leave the headline as is. I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.

Now that you mention it, where IS the law-abiding open-carry person who will shut this down?

I’m probably being that obnoxious person but diet /= starvation. It doesn’t necessarily even mean eating less food (by volume or weight). Just eating food that is much less calories dense.

I love when people reveal their diets. I hate the whole dog and pony show of “I just have a super high metabolism!” or when SJP said she barely ever worked out, like, I have seen your arms. I know you are doing something.

So, room on the door or nah?