How does that work without aiming?
How does that work without aiming?
Is this a sponsored article?
That sounds pretty accurate.
Ican do without strippers in Berserk.
That mediocrity is pretty heavily enforced too. The flipside of this is time. Most people don’t know music. They know what they like out of what they ‘ve heard. I don’t think mediocrity can be defeated, but excellence can be promoted.
It’s okay, Shadow just cant.
I think his problem with the current progessive movement is that it is not pluralistic. Popular cultures are cultures. Unpopular cultures are ignorant and need to go. There’s a basic lack of common context and manners across all communication in the USA.
Duk, that sucks. I hope you can consider that this girlthing in the story has very likely been raised as a sexual status product and not as a human part of society, let alone the core of humanity, a woman. She isn’t alone. All of society is touched by this social hunger for one time use girls. You’re a mother and…
I think she probably is, and good.
You’re right, but she was. She’ll grow up.
Right? Her mistake was actually further down the spectrum into “this is the right thing to reinforce”. This girlthing is a product of competitive status sexuality. We should probably forgive her at about the same pace as Chris Brown, or Ike Turner.
She’s worse. She committed both assault and condescension, then tried to sell it as part of her social career. It’s rape porn and somehow social bullying.
Actually, don’t, quarantine is almost here for her.
You’re completely right. Is your handle an American Psycho reference? Mine is worse, but I am highly amused by the accuracy and good intentions coming from the assembled nicknames.
I’d count the complete story as a societal win. One way to measure crime deterrence is distance. As in how far did the criminal (and she is) get? Wow. She did not get far and is now being completely erased instead of prosecuted. Shifty things have always been, but this kind of social justice is kind of new.
Actually, yeah.
I own all the Berserk translated by Dark Horse and bought a Nihongo copy of volume 38 last week, because, actually I don’t know but it felt good.
To me Berserk is a romance with pain and struggle that Guts is growing out of and into responsibility. No cruelty, no story!
The birth, rise, adolescence,…
I would like to believe this, but the author pays absolutely no respect to the rather obvious intelligence of the roaches. It’s all about they’re just different and have to die. That’s my line in the sand. We can all be funny looking in less violent ways.
I wasn’t really convinced by the hair, but the way clothing is applied later is pretty awful. Ie sarongs, ropes above biceps, various native tropes. Also has the super-est people as blondes and the whole plot revolves around nationalism. I’m not even sure what the author believes at this point.
Don’t make me come back to Japan for this Tecmo! I’ll bring all 34 Dark Horse translated volumes to your door for the sole purpose of starting “superior” translation arguments. The foam swords will block out the sun.