Katoy Toy

The problem with a cone shape is the resulting mess though... As much as reasonable adults are able to control themselves and not piss literally everywhere, there’s always plenty of people that can’t. Have you seen a public restroom recently? I swear I’m surrounded by animals.

I honestly believe there is only one sensible shape for a urinal to be. Which is a cone shape that you pee into, almost like a funnel. I’ve been to so many urinals that despite my best attempts always result in splash back. Just make cones.

Dear everyone complaining about not wanting to read this article (or any other article of its type).

I know someone working for a known computer manufacturer and one of their clients is a company making urinals, toilets, bathtubs and sinks. These guys use colossal processing power to make precise fluid simulations to test the behavior of their designs!

Yang hasn’t quite decided how dicks will be handled in The Tearoom yet.

Many of us would have never known this or things like it existed if people didn’t get outraged about them.

*gets out tub of popcorn*

Mystique seems to be the popular choice here and it is fantastic with the clever mid-transformation design, but I’m with you. The guy playing Luke looks like he just walked off the Star Wars set.

“That’s some very nice freedom you got there. It’d be a shame if something were to ... happen to it.”

It’s been amusing watching 2 old white racist assholes pretend who’s less racist, but I got work in the morning so I must tune out.

I’m more worried about the lack of support, especially from Sony. I put a pre-order for PSVR months ago and completely forgot its coming out in a few days. What the hell happened to the hype? I really don’t want another Vita situation and want VR to succeed.

You keep saying racist, xenophobic and sexist and not taking it any deeper than that. I’d only consider it racist, if said stereotypes of the manga creator were being blanketed as symbolic of the entire nation, which is not happening here.

I’d consider it xenophobic if the concept of Japanese culture as a whole being

I’m an avid manga reader and anime watcher. I think they’re pretty spot on.

I can’t say I’m terribly surpr...

Akira manga is soooooo much better than the anime. I don’t even.

Seriously ugh... I was like Akira is going to be on this. The first 40 minutes were pretty good and then the rest just goes down hill to the point where they have to cut out basically three and a half volumes of the manga to make it fit.

Yup. Rout 66 for life.

In all seriousness, your arguments are legitimate. I do agree with all of your points, especially the misleading title. Whatever your feelings are on Capcom’s (mis)handling of the series, there’s no real argument that the artwork itself has gone downhill. In fact, how can anyone really make that argument when there

A luxury I revel in.