Katoy Toy

Very exact. Thank you.

Um, isn’t it kind of on the nose to dox a female reporter reporting on the white privilege of sexual assault. Maybe just stop?


Nope. That’s a company thing. With$6 adapters I’m playing 3 $5 ps2 controllers on ps3 in digital psone, ps2 and ps3 games. Meanwhile my pstv let’s me play the ps4, levitating and pap games with two ps3 controllers and a ds4 at the same time in the same psplus library. I have 6 PlayStations active on the same digital

PS+ REALLY pays for itself when you are poor. I subscribed for better sales on psp games and ended up with over 300 games! I don’t like all of them but I have them now and some have been really big hits with my kids. I lived for games in the Genesis era and bought every add on that system came with.


I’m a little Titan hear me shout! Here is my handle, here is my spout.

Got em both.

I’m not a huge puzzle fan but Rymdcapsule ATE my hours.

I’m pretty happy with it, even bought the PSTV. I’m iffy on that one.

Gasp! Surely not the Duffel Blog!

I got duped. Thank you for the back story. It’s a shame things are so reactionary, but at the same time it’s a responsible way to answer real questions based on how people are informed. It’s a great photo, but the whole Caitlyn story is a non issue.


I got on late (netflix only) and thought it was already dead because “Equestria Girls” existed. This stuff is actually pretty fantastic, maybe it can save the Transformers franchise?


The manga is technical and political in it's ambitions. That's even better for the written/drawn page but the battles feel technical. That's where the popular opinion gets swayed, because a lot of the filler they added was emotional and fearful. There's a scene during the spy titan fight in the city where it cuts

I used to start up the sega cd to play "life is peachy" and then slap in doom32x without turning it off. The cd kept playing and it's still on of the best match ups I've played.

