
Good luck old, fat, lying orange guy.

Let’s take stock of the depth of the records the author could have had into the Osage people’s experiences. They were massacred. Their oral and narrative stories destroyed along with them. Western linguistics don’t handle oral traditions well given the west is more written language driven. What is left of the oral

Why do we have separate categories for Best Actor and Best Actress, but not separate categories for Best Male Director and Best Female Director? The argument I’ve heard for having gender-segregated acting categories is that if we just had a single category for acting then there is a strong possibility that many

Exactly. Barbie is a comedy. It’s not fair to judge it by obvious Oscar bait standards like Killers or Oppenheimer. It can be exhausting watching the same human suffering films. There are equally great stories to be told of human life outside of war, holocaust, slavery, genocide, HIV/AIDs, homophobia etc. I think

It’s worth noting: This is the 3rd time Gerwig had a picture nominated for Best Picture but was passed over for a Best Director nomination.

These guys really show their ass (npi) when they want to repeal no-fault divorce. Remember the good old days when a battered wife couldn’t get out of the marriage without dragging the whole thing out publicly in court and reliving it all? Dusty does!

I keep starting to watch this documentary and having to pause it because I don’t know if I can handle it. When my grandfather died, I found out only then that he had nearly been booted from the university where he taught over sexual harassment; they’d gone to my grandmother and told her to convince him to retire

This is my story, too, except instead of a grandfather it was my father who raped and sexualy molested his daughters, sons and any child who he could victimize including nieces, nephews and lord knows how many others. Yes, I was among the victims. My mother was aware he was doing it but because she herself was raped

The mother really pissed me off towards the end. She was willing to take part in the documentary when her father was in the hot seat, but the second her daughters ask her about her decision to leave them in his care (as young children) she shuts them out with a “I’ve suffered enough, I don’t need this”.

It is an understatement to say this documentary is significantly disturbing—and not just because of what happened but also how everyone responds. It is fascinating to see how each family member (including the abuser) have found their own balancing point between denial and admittance. The grandfather disgusts me, but

I get that you’re the “contrarian” around here. The asshole “devils advocate” in every women’s studies class. But Socrates you are not. You’re just a dumbass.

The “men are like that” line really undermines your argument. Nothing like making his “mistake” a collective inevitable habit of all men, eh?

I think he loses the genuine “I am at fault” when he pivots to the “men, amirite?” argument. The longer “men are like that” is tolerated, the harder it will be to ever get rid of this mentality. 


I think this might just be that jocular “locker-room talk” I've heard so much about.

Tongue back in your mouth, fangirl. I hear Barry K. is only interested in folks who laugh at “bear all” when a writer means “bare all.”

I don’t get the editorial direction of revived Jezebel. They basically have two writers who roll out of bed and have the choice of writing about celebrities they want to bang; celebrities who are banging but since that involves the desires of someone else, it’s bad; politicians who are going to be re-elected because

In theory, it’s understandable that Keoghan might shy away from filming such a display...and then you see it. Firstly, I’ve seen professional nude models pose with more insecurity than Keoghan. Not only does he sell, well, naked insanity better than most, he has one, very impressive reason to be confident. Actually,

What weird media diet could this bozo have had not to know who Simone was? I have never watched an Olympic event in my life and don’t follow Olympic coverage, but I’m still very familiar with her just as I am with other big name Olympians who became such BFDs that they became inescapable pop culture figures that

Eventual Username would be Quixotic Darby