
Criticizing the nation-state of Israel is not antisemitism.

The “No Cease Fire” chants will haunt me to my grave. I have been called a terrorist sympathizer, an antisemite, and a Hamas stodge for criticizing the occupation, for pointing out the undeniable injustice Palestinians have faced for decades, or even just saying “hey can the IDF please stop killing civilians?”

Sometimes on a date, a woman will complain to me about men who lie about their heights.

I am flummoxed that the take here is that Johnson is somehow one of those “broke boys”, instead of some mixture of the evils of Republican loopholes (and competent exploitation thereof) and the torrent of improper disclosure (and other financial) scandals even Jez has been covering

Women don’t get asked such questions nearly as directly, and when they do, women can much more easily say, “mind your own business.”

There’s nothing wrong with short men. There’s nothing wrong with short men who need a little lift. There’s nothing wrong with bald men. There’s nothing wrong with bald men who feel more comfortable wearing a baseball cap. What’s wrong is these MF’s who deny that they’ve built an whole image around cosplay masculinity

Women’s high heels are out there in the open. Girls are standing on visible platforms and have been doing so for a few centuries.

I am 6'1” and every time anyone would mention my height on a dating app or otherwise, I usually would just say “yeah, I don’t really care about height” and move on.

You know we’re all just laughing at DeSantis, right? He has a looooooooong list of offenses that we consider him “bad” for, and lying about his height isn’t anywhere on it.

I think I missed the point when Jezebel’s commenters became uncritical “Choice” feminists without any capacity for reflection on the greater implications of why things are the way they are.

Yeah, trying to defend this one because “pro-choicefeels like a poison pill and doesn’t look good either way. If people were nuanced enough to not paint everything about abortion as black-and-white then we’d be able to say that abortion is fine but self-terminating a premie probably isn’t.

There is no anti pick me. These are all just regular pick-me types, the common theme being, “hey guys! I’m not like those other girls! Look at me!”

“I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist,”

The further he doubles down on that, the happier I get. Say what you want about Disney’s rapacious ethos and litigious mindset, they definitely hire the best people to execute it. Even morons know at this point that you don’t fuck with the Disney legal team. Everyone seems to know it, in fact, except Ron. Keep going,

Continuing the proud republican ethos that “if it does not favor me, by definition it oppresses me, and is therefore wrong.”

But, our sexuality as women is so often reduced to the shorthand of a bunny costume. The other thing, hefner and his sleazy pals took advantage of that. We should feel free to feel sexy, but even today, guilt or shame is still huge. The sexiest thing of all should be women not feeling like they have to conform to some

Women like looking hot, but don’t want to say it. It is not politically correct.

I think no matter how you try to spin it, what most men are going to see is a woman in the bunny costume, and it’s going to be Hefner’s vision of what that means. Probably time to let it go.

Counterpoint: Ask the women who aborted their rapists’ spawn whether they feel keeping it would have been more healing for them. She is literally only asking the rapists’ spawn (assuming they’re actually what she says and not some b.s. she imagined into existence) whether they wish they were dead instead. Which all

I am so grossed out by this.