
Not sure where you got the idea that the Book of Folding was the first one Gaal had ever read, or even that she’d been deep in the church her whole life. The teacher she runs into talks about the time that he’d spent with her family when she was younger and before her family had become deeply entangled with the Church

Also it’s worth mentioning Kang’s real name is Nathanial Richards and he’s a descendant of Reed Richards.

I know there’s a famous thought problem about this that The Good Place brought up. Basically if I come across another version of me who has had an equal lifetime of different experiences, are they still inherently me? How much does the environmental experience define your who you are.

That was pretty entertaining for what was essentially a 45-minute-long info dump. Majors is a treat to watch playing what is essentially a bratty sociopath.

Side note: I love how the article starts with a spoiler alert, but the title itself contains the only spoiler.

Not being a Marvel expert, I thought it was just a tiny Thor, not a frog.

I would define ages, in this case, as “nearly a decade and seventeen movies into the series.”

Sam Wilson’s being a former PJ is important not just because it shows he’s just as badass as John Walker, but because it shows his focus has always been on saving lives rather than taking them — just like Steve Rogers.

Hi, I wrote something in the hope that pop culture writers and fans of the MCU would understand some things about Sam Wilson’s background, because I think most audiences don’t realize that Sam Wilson is a special forces soldier (using common civilian language).

When Sam Wilson said he was in the 58th Pararescue, I

Even if you’re looking at series rather than individual films it still took the MCU 9 goes before they introduced a lead character who wasn’t a white guy. And you can hardly claim that they were just working through the big names first (which is naturally going to skew to white guys anyway, due to the history of

It actively didn’t make sense to me that the MCU waited 11 years to release a female helmed movie. Not only was it confusing that Black Widow didn’t get a solo film (and got weirdly left out of the merch for The Avengers if I recall), but movie audiences were primed for big budget young adult content with female

Yep. Bad premise on the part of OP. C-.

He and Phil Specter are probably congratulating each other on their musical achievements in Hell.

She doesn't need to eclipse his accomplishments, though, to be regarded and loved in her own right. That's the point. A discussion of Tina Turner doesn't need a discussion of Ike Turner tacked onto it to be a good discussion. 

OK - a must-see.

Lots of people just crave order when they get scared.

This is easy to say by us, as audience. We see who Wilford is. It’s no as if the passengers have the whole picture. Not to say there are clear parallels with real powerful people benefiting a few and yet getting the support of masses while misdirecting anger towards a false enemy, such as the Taillies here.

Give Nick Offerman that damn shield.

It has been seeming kind of gross to me how many people just viewed this show as “connective tissue between phase 3 and Doctor Strange 2" or about how people were more interested in other characters who might show up than they were in Wanda or Vision, the two actual title characters.
It almost felt like because the

Technically not MCU proper, but Plaza set her own bar so high on Legion that she should only be used for the perfect role.