
The reason why Wanda’s house is just a foundation is due to the fact Vision never got the chance to finish building it. I’m pretty sure he gave her the deed and floor plans before Civil War. So its wasn’t destroyed, Vision never got the chance to build it past the foundation.

Snape never did anything for the greater good. He expected Lily as his prize for doing the right thing one time. When that failed, he still considered himself entitled to her post-humous affections in spite of the number of times she spurned his advances. He spent 6 years straight physically and psychologically

“Chaotic good” as how I described Agatha last week, and her trajectory during this episode just hammers that home for me.

If i was DMing you, and your Chaotic Good PC was magically throttling two children to intimidate their mother —hell, even if it was all a Phantasmal Force — i would send you to Alignment Camp.


Considering that Sam Wilson was a social worker who helped veterans deal with post-traumatic stress before he joined the Avengers? He’s actually the ideal person to have shown up to help Wanda process her grief.

Now that the Hex has happened, though, you’re right - he’d be some kind of male version of The Flying Nun

So, also, theoretically the colors could also be aligned with Infinity Stones... and Blue is Space (like the binders on Agatha), Purple is Power (like her forbidden knowledge), Red is Reality (like...  Wanda)...

Is it wrong that I thought of Blanchett’s equally compelling turn as the villain in Mrs America first?

I keep going back to that moment in the previous episode when Agatha, watching from her window, doesn’t intervene in Wanda’s showdown with Monica until the latter says “Don’t let [Hayward] make you the villain, and Wanda replies, “Maybe I already am”. In the basement and in her theme song, Agatha hams it up, almost

Putting my bet on the pastor being one of the moles that Till is hunting. He doesn’t really serve any purpose if not. 

I have a cousin in prison for sexually abusing a child, and at least one family member dead from suicide. A lot of families have similar issues, unless you think pedos spring magically from the ground and all suicide victims are orphans.

I think only one of her children died by suicide. In any event, two of my grandmother’s four children died as adults. There are 900,000 sex offenders. Both of those things about Farrow’s family are tragic, but neither one strikes me as something that would be wild and unheard of for a family to experience. Frankly,

But wasn’t he technically evil at the time? On the podcast they mentioned that it was a deliberate kick-the-dog moment to foreshadow the revelation that he was demon and they were in hell. 

Killing a dog doesn’t make her evil. Michael kicked a dog into the sun on The Good Place and he’s the architect of Eleanor and Chidi’s heaven. That reminds me, I really need to finish watching season one.

Kathryn Hahn’s cackle is a thing of wonder (if she WOULDN’T have been revealed as an evil witch by the end of the show it would have been criminal)
BTW, I’m pretty sure that’s also her singing her own theme song. (the lady parts obviously)

One theory was that Billy was “hearing” everyone screaming inside their own

Oh God I never thought of that.

I was wondering what happened to him, and then there he was. 

Maybe Rocky Horror is a better analogy to the movie than Willie Wonka.

The name of the Portishead song is “Glory Box”, FYI.

More evidence that Wanda didn’t so much “steal” Vision’s body as liberate it from shady government operatives. 

And I know this is my own personal nitpick, but technically it was Alex and her grandparents who failed to follow Melanie’s plan. But I guess it takes a while for resentment to give way to rational acknowledgement.

And regarding Wilford rubbing off on Melanie, I think her compliments about Ruth were just to pretty it up. She’s not saying Ruth’s Just the way a decent person would define it; she’s telling Layton that Ruth will be a loyal dog as long as he’s boss and maintains her trust.