
Layton has strayed so far from his original goals and philosophies, and while last episode engaged with that head-on, some of that is undone here when Josie urges other Tailies to stand with him. That shift in Josie’s perception of Layton doesn’t really track.

Reminds me of the scene in Game of Thrones where Tyrion tells the riddle about the rich man, the priest and the nobleman who are all telling a man with a sword to kill the other two. Power rests wherever the man with the sword - in this case engineering, AgSec and Jackboots - believe it does. They believed it was with

We had Swedish channels alongside NRK as well I believe. But yes I lived in a housing co-op in the east of Oslo that had cable TV paid for through our maintenance fees. We probably had more channels than a lot of people with more money.

I don't know about Argentina but in Norway they were showing reruns of sitcoms from the 60s onwards all through the 80s and 90s. I assume they were cheap afternoon fillers. So I know exactly what these episodes are referencing, despite growing up in an apartment in Oslo.

Re. film and photography, it’s useful to remember that Lyra’s world is hampered technologically because of the power of the Magisterium, which bans anything they don’t like. It’s not that they can’t make stuff, they’re not allowed. However they definitely do have photography, and they don’t seem to have any problems

1) She’s communicating with Dust through the computer, not communicating with the computer. But yes it is far-fetched. However Mary Malone was always portrayed as being very spiritual despite having strayed from the church. She kept the I-Ching and used it regularly after all. That’s why the alethiometer directed Lyra

I’m guessing that’s partly just Lyra’s interpretation of what the alethiometer tells her. She’s told he killed someone and given the impression that he’s trustworthy. In the most Lyra way ever she puts that into words as “Murderer! Awesome!”

I was thinking the same thing. First Class didn’t realise there was a rebellion until after the Tailies were already headed towards the car where the drawers are. Maybe it’s just really far uptrain? Still doesn’t explain how they got him up and talking that fast without the doctor helping.

I was really fascinated by some of the really outright Communist imagery here. Trodden down masses with homemade weapons brandishing red flags while attacking forces representing the aristocratic elites and their henchmen. Love it.

I’m sure you meant to imply it but I think it’s a good idea to spell out that “Ava” is a variant of “Eve” which gives it a whole extra context. It also makes sense of the root meanings you mention. Creation of life, voice of God, etc.

Agreed about Sergei. Most of the stuff about him could have been dropped. Especially the Russian spy stuff that just seemed completely out of place.

I kept thinking about self-fulfilling prophecies. I believe that Forrest and Katie did a lot of damage to themselves and the world by looking forward. They saw a version of events, decided it was pre-determined and then they were completely unable to divert from their path.

This was such a great show. I discovered it accidentally on an international flight last year. Was so angry that they only had the first four episodes. I got completely hooked!

Seems like they’re filming in the Glasgow Necropolis? If so that’s not any old graveyard. It’s the most Gothic place in a city full of Gothic places. And it’s very suited to be a Batman set.

Any chance we could get CJA back to do one of her famous trainwreck movie reviews for this?

It’s an Easter Egg basically. It’s fun and it fleshes out the world a bit, but completely unnecessary to enjoy the main story

I couldn’t get through the first episode. The expressionless faces are creepy and the story (at least at that point) was too childish for me. It’s definitely pretty though. I’m glad people enjoyed it. But it’s not for me.

I don’t see what it could possibly be other than Elliot’s subconscious. What’s your theory?

The Secret Commonwealth (Book of Dust vol 2) makes it clear that there is a separate British government that is more or less actively trying to avoid being dominated by the Magisterium. It’s never mentioned in His Dark Materials though. Possibly because it’s not something that affects Lyra until she’s older.

Nothing wrong with that. Writers borrow and steal from each other all the time, often unintentionally. It’s called having influences. Hollywood’s obsession with franchises and copyright has made this seem wrong to some people.