That's absolutely cheating. Spike is damn sexy, and he's mine.
He grew older and less... Spikey... I was so disappointed when he was in Caprica. He looked like a maths teacher.
That's Aidan Turner. If they didn't show his pretty face there would be a riot of Being Human fans. Oh, Mitchell. Stop being so damn sexy!
Yes I've been thinking the same thing. I smell an arc there...
Ah. That explains why that three-eyed crow is always giving Bran Stark bad advice in the middle of the night...
That's fantastic. Where do I sign to petition for a full season? I want to know what happened at Cupcake Mountain and when they fought the Gummy King!
I'm pretty sure Grissom was a Frances Glessner Lee fan. Didn't they even have a CSI episode that featured something like those dioramas?
The English were invading his homeland, and he was fighting for the independence of Scotland as a country.
But I had the most beautiful image in my head! Bah, science!
They should team up with the LiftPort, the space elevator people. At least they have realistic goals and almost usable technology.
Aidan Turner! So glad they didn't make him an elf. Would have spoiled that stubbly goodness completely!
I think there was a thing where the Volturi were out to get the Cullens and just needed an excuse, but I was too busy ignoring the idiocy to really pay attention. Sometimes I feel like I just need to finish books no matter how bad. It's a curse...
Hmm.. Any chance of joining the Victorians early?
That's great, thanks!
Do you have a link to that? That isn't behind a paywall... I can't wait to see this movie, read the book purely because of the first trailer.
I'm sure that might work, but from what I've heard the problem is chickens are not made to live with that many other individuals. If packed too tightly they will fight and peck each other and be unable to escape if there's a fight for dominance. Organic farms can't risk meat broilers pecking each other and risking…
That looks absolutely hilarious. Not worth a movie ticket but maybe night in with the girls. And I like that they dropped the British accents for once. And machine guns YEAH!
Organic in terms of food production isn't the same as organic in terms of chemistry.
Bah humbug! Free range just means "not in tiny cages" and a lot of the time it's much worse for the chickens. If you're going to buy anything organic it should be chicken and eggs because keeping them healthy without chemicals means actually giving them minimally decent living conditions.