
But organic was never supposed to be healthier nutritionally. It was supposed to be better for the ecosystem and consumers by not using artificial fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics. That can create its own problems in animal welfare (parasite burden in livestock) but at least it forces farmers to keep their

Haha humour can be so difficult online. Also never heard of Kij Johnson, sorry. :)

Hahaha, he looks like a 13-year-old with grey hair and a moustache, and she's just like "There he goes again..."

Doesn't Neil have quite a few Hugos by now?

Congratulations Charlie Jane! Hope you had a great time and had a big big celebration!!

Haha I was checking the comments just to see if somebody was going to comment eyebrows. It was the same thing when the first pictures of the Targaryens from GoT were published. Always cracked me up.

I loved the scene where Gary is taking in nature and the sunrise. Until that huge Warehouse 13 ad flashed across his face... God, I hate those ads!

If they've been collecting data for 30 years you can be pretty sure they have published/will publish more than just this one paper. Probably on a huge amount of subjects too, cause when they had the chance they would have asked about a lot more than cannbis. I'm sure that would include diet, legal drug use, ADHD etc

Wow what a good description. I know a couple of those too. So sad...

I blame culture based on age old religious and superstitious fears. That stuff takes a long time to get over.

You have a car or you don't: binary. What type of car: variable.

Since quite a few of them probably do animal research, I'd say maybe a few vegetarians but probably no PETA members.

Not if it's spread out over the city of Los Angeles. Now if 700,000,000 tons hit the Earth all in one spot...

Bu..bu..bu...but... Oh okay then. That was hilarious!

Hmm... Ok.

What happened to the comments system now? Makes my head hurt just looking at it. Why are no-nonsense threaded comments so difficult to use?!

Ha, that's nothing. According to Google, I'm 5'11'' (180 cm)!

My cat will lovingly place her hairballs on my rugs or, when I didn't have rugs, in my shoes. It's actually kinda logical though. Cats are very clean animals so they want to throw up on something that can absorb it. That's also why they will sometimes go on people's beds if they decide that the litter box is

All that effort with no pictures?

Nah. The whiskers would just grow back, and they'd still be able to see their surroundings and smell your tasty food trash.