Katie Scarlett O'Hara

I thought so too for a while, especially after he played a gay character in that terrible CBS sitcom Partners. And he’s also kind of the US version of John Barrowman.

Brandon, I am one of the world’s great method actors, and as Lex Luthor, I am required to know everything about Superman. EVERYTHING. Now lose the towel.

She created “The View.” I’m pretty sure she has no shame.

Nobody took this guy seriously, and now he’s vindicated. I hope Barbara Walters and Sherri Shepherd feel ashamed of how they reacted.

 Barbara Walters should be ashamed.

Brandon Routh: “Kevin, I don’t think you should be in here while I’m getting changed into the Superman costume.”

Singer’s had accusers before, and I believe they’ve happened to be provably false accusations every time. At least in one instance a guy accused Singer of molesting him at a party in Hollywood at a time when Singer was on set in Hawaii.

I know we don’t do FB links here, but this is just too amazing to pass up.

Here’s Corey Feldman on The View four years ago telling the gals about his molestation experience and being sharply told by Barbara Walters herself to STFU and stop “damaging an entire industry”.

What I got was a lot of people expressed to him that the story wasn’t funny to them, that they saw it as the assault that it was.

I think you read that part a little fast.

I thought Brandon was gay for YEARS because he laughed off how juvenile the set of Superman Returns was, and he seemed to get along with Singer and Spacey well enough. Esp the situation with the suit. Singer made the underwear as small as it could be when it turns out everyone knew Brandon needed “extra room” there.

My main takeaway was the bit at the end where he mentions “I’ve told this story to many, many people,” and some people just laugh and others just brush it off as terrible but unfixable.

I’m seriously waiting for Brandon Routh to let us know about how Spacey was very hands-on with the Superman costume fitting

Can we can pretty much assume that any young man in the vicinity of Kevin Spacey was pretty much groped, harassed, screwed etc?

Photo of rescue.

Oh god, I love the Soviet version. VINNIE POOH!!! Imma get drunk and watch those on youtube tonight.

When I was in school, I lived in this big apartment building. My balcony overlooked the parking lot. After a night out drinking, my roommate and I had a rule: we’d stand out there until someone returning got scared by the giant raccoon that liked to raid the dumpster. It never took very long.

Yeah. I can see how people think raccoons are cute, but I don’t trust them. It’s their hands.

Maybe lil idiot was just cosplaying Winnie the Pooh?

I’m just glad he’s no worse for (se)wer. Still, being stuck like that had to be pretty degrating.