I didn’t hate my ex, flights of temper and stress of paperwork notwithstanding. It was more, “Whoops. MAJOR FUCKIN’ WHOOPS.”
I didn’t hate my ex, flights of temper and stress of paperwork notwithstanding. It was more, “Whoops. MAJOR FUCKIN’ WHOOPS.”
“Not together long enough before marriage? Not having discussions about ANYTHING important before hand?”
Beat me to it. I’m consitutionally against mandatory minimums, because judicial discernment. But douchebags have to ruin it for the rest of us, and judges demonstrate a total lack of ability to discern when it comes to rape.
I’ll join you -- we can take the scenic route -- I’d enjoy his on-camera suicide. (Be a nice gift for his family -- the ratings/residuals would be yuge.)
Starred for also starred ‘petulant whiteness’.
Ohgod....gardens were always my Dark Place. From wee, I was tasked with various age-appropriate garden chores. How, oh, HOW I hated it. And my father grew all of our produce --everything central Kansas soil would grow -- filling the 1/3 acre side yard.
I wished to be a city kid. So hard.
That’s what I think too. It seems like it ought to be easy. You’re either an insane, morally bankrupt and mentally limited bigot who wants to elect the same or, y’know, not. The end.
Sure, that, or maybe the death-porn masturbation over a neightbor’s pet struck a few folks amiss.
WTF was the CNN guy thinking? That was a dick move.
I die of joy so transporting that I am assumed bodily into heaven.
I would settle for a humiliating loss and a suicide.
Not per capita it doesn’t, douche. Also, fuck off.
Wife decides to do a little re-org of the walk-in closet, is all WUT IS ALL THIS...UM BYE, GOTTA BOUNCE.
The husk that was Brad must be no longer usable for sustenance.
Hell, in my day, if a boy wanted to ruin a gal’s reputation, he had to do it dialing a rotary phone, or his words only carried as far as his human voice could yell.