Kaye Syrah Syrah

I was totally ready to fight the person. Since you handled it, I’ll only say that I’m making my ...mmm...semi-quarterly? pilgrimage to this review, which is the greatest review ever, and someone should engrave it on stone and leave it on the top of a mountain. Or, I don’t know, cross stitch it.

I gotta say, and maybe it’s unfair, but it seems to me that when Howard Stern is taking the higher road in one’s conversation about sexual relations, that one should correct one’s course immediately.

The apologies are so, so, so stupid and unwelcome.

Once, I was stuck in Houston airport for 25 hours. Then, we got out, but I was stuck in Chicago airport for 17 hours. Both airports, because tenuous grasp on civility, unlocked free wi-fi for everyone. I watched 6 seasons of Scandal on my I-Pad.

the 124th district is southwest of Garden City....this area:

If he weren’t a child molester and Klansman, you could almost feel sorry for him. Just imagine how it’d feel to run as a republican in Alabama, and...omg...LOSE.

As a musician who works for churches, subcontracted to sing strangers’ weddings a lot, and also a heathen, I have this:

That second thing. Whether that was her first instinct, or her mother’s or her agent’s, or some rando fan in the chatroom, it was a slick move and I liked it.

Yeah, I feel like this will be beyond the ordinary scope of LegalZoom.com’s dialogue.

I needed this intervention; thank you.

I apologize for my snickering at the image of you, lady I don’t know, getting wine-suckered into the Carly. (I have 2. TWO of these terrible, terrible “dresses”. Because WHITE wine.)

OMG ANYA SETON. Now I have to dig up my copy of Green Darkness and read it again. And then I’m tots watching this movie.

I’m disappointed that she’s not on just one knee.

Gabby’s nicer than I am, because I just toasted my monitor with my coffee cup. Those guys want every dimwit and nutjob armed; it’s only fair they should get to taste the results.

Screw the movie; I’m waiting for the review. That review was the greatest thing I ever read.

My firm is juuuuuuuust small enough that I can ignore the mandatory online courses they send around, and not get canned.

Goddammit. Leftover rice is a food group, in my world.

Silly Ireland, with the no green beer, no four-leaf clover beads or foam leprechaun-hats -- what kinda joint they running over there?

That was the much more genuine follow up to the firm-wide “last day email”.

Occasionally, we do it to white people too...I’ve been told the southern accent I grew up with isn’t southern, because they wanted southeastern country club, and mine is southwestern cracker.