Kaye Syrah Syrah

Why do their eyes look like that?

This makes me mad, until I remember that he’s irrelevant and he knows it.

After her 15 days in county lockup.

As political speech goes, it was pointless.

That’s a thing? Genderbending homophobes? What the fuck. Also, this particular vision in lavender does that? That is a serious bummer.

Bring Worth It back.

Now I’m worried that “Known Commenter” will appear on the rap sheet I’ll have when the revolution comes.

Better Headline:

I been wondering wtf re: this also. She really seems to give the MRA racists a rash.

Is that why a bunch of pages followed me today? The courtesy of keeping the Lifers out of the post-gawker greys?

This is one of those headlines that has everything.

It’s really early to win the internet for the day.

I remember him on 21 Jump Street, and everyone squealing about how cute he was (and he was). I think, but maybe it’s just hindisght, that I was a little, “Hmmm. Possibly gross.” Something about how bitchy he was about that gig — dogged it in interviews — put me off.

Two kinds of people in the world, I guess.

The cat’s sense of self worth?

When I was 14, mine was Scott Biao.

Oh, Simone, sweetheart. I mean, I get it. He was really quite good in The Paperboy. I was all, Wut, and am now kind of on board. But, my darling, he should be agog at meeting YOU.

The larger point is that it’s nobody’s business but Mom’s and Baby’s, and people should fuck off with this stupid ass prudery.

Can we just start beating the anti-breast-feeding people? I mean, I need a law that just lets me smack them, hard and in the face, every time they start with this stupid-ass shit.

Between the 2 Simones, Katie tearing it up, Lily and her excellently aimed trash talk and then backing it up, I’m feeling very Nationalist and Chicks Rule and shit.