RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Did he ignore Ronan because he’s actually Frank Sinatra’s son? The photos of them side by side lend credence to the theory IMHO.

Seriously? Contrast Cruz’s reaction to Beto’s (y’all voted in the wrong guy, but it was close).  Sadly, too many people in Texas see a (D) at the end of a name at the voting booth, and get visions of a Nazi-Commie who will take away their guns and force them to have abortions. That’s why you get people like Cruz,

Not to be a downer, but I’ve called those hotlines. They suck. The last one I bothered calling gave me directions to a hospital... that had burned down fifteen years ago.

Way to focus on what’s really important here.

Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.

Do you mean polyamorous, or polysexual?  I’m much more familiar with the former than the latter.

Condolences, man. I fear you’re not wrong.

When it comes to art or film or music, Jezebel might as well be TBN or Focus on the Family. They’re just as intellectually lazy and narrow minded. 

But equally an issue are the millions of people who want to watch that shit and ask for more.

A friend of mine is losing significant weight right now, and is at the point where people can confidently exclaim about it without wondering whether or not they’re correct in their observations. So I’ve seen her get a lot of “Wow, you look great!” and “What’s your secret??” kind of thing. When people ask her what

Aww, pumpkin, let’s find y’all a hobby that’s not silently judging fat people, you li’l creeper!

Indeed. But the Biggest Loser has the added element of where it is shaming a significant portion of the population as well. I’m tone deaf, and I’ve never felt shamed by American Idol because I can’t sing. 

which ran on Fox from 1993 to 1998

Gizmodo’s Tom McKay, who says, “I would say, pastel, carnation, or coral. If anyone disagrees with me they are wrong because I am a tetrachromat.”

It is unfortunate. It’s this attitude that has carried forward and is in no small part responsible for the number of adults I’ve encountered who “Don’t like to read.”

That number you just pulled outta your ass is a lot lower and more complicated than you think it is. Gender is not sex, and sex is not nearly as binary as many assume it to be. 

Welcome to Nightvale is great! Haven’t heard of the other. I’m not generally interested in informative podcasts - I want to be entertained. Give me great interviews (WTF with Marc Maron sets a pretty high standard) or something to laugh at.

Stamps.com, Simpli Safe, & Blue Apron were the unavoidable ones in my podcast rotation. 

‘Dirtbag leftists,' oh thanks, almost thought you were making a good faith critique. Thanks for signalling otherwise!!!!!!

No, medical procedures aren't prohibited. Ours is a very practical religion to a large extent.

We are prohibited from removing our body hair. However, most of the Sikh women, including me, remove our facial hair and body hair. It is just the hair on our head, which we do not cut/trim. Never.
It is not just about not