I mean, it’s nice and all; but I wouldn't make my mom cry over it.
I mean, it’s nice and all; but I wouldn't make my mom cry over it.
Yep, the monster mom is my best friend's husband's bother's wife. I really, truly believe her invite, and the plus one allowance was just a cheap ploy for extra 14-1219tcx gifts. I assume she is crazier now, but my friend and her husband don't really get along with his family.
At least my bestie and I got a great inside joke out of it.
Right? I can’t imagine that woman being cool with baby shit all over her peach and gold princess fantasy nursery.
Yes! And all her sorority sister/college friends were telling her what an “ah-MAY-zing” idea it was! I have never seen something that like that in real life! It was like a surreal tv show!
It was fucking nuts dude.
Woo! I’ve got one! So, this chick was the SiL of my best friend, and when the baby shower invites get around, my best friend *begged* me to go because “jesus christ Heathens, this bitch is insane and I need a damn witness”
If you like grape jelly and bbq, try apple jelly and Guldens spicy brown mustard! Less sweet and cloying, also works great on cocktail wienies!
Man I gotta finish season 3.
Jesus, same. I honestly thought there would be pigs in blankets in this story
I usually catch the BBC World news on Npr on my way to work and honestly the reporters and the politicians, they all seem so damned lost talking about Brexit.
So- you’re saying Jared really IS a cursed ventriloquist dummy!
God- how expensive would THAT be?
Dude, literally my brain just skipped over “city” and somehow I thought it was state. Dumb reading comp fail on my part!
I don't see why a NY state drivers license wouldn't just have X as well. Passports? Honestly don't know how that works at the federal level.
I know a guy who works as a techie for a colosseum venue in the South. According to him(so, you know, second hand and all) when he worked the Blue Collar Comedy tour Jeff Foxworthy and Ron White were super cool and down to earth to everybody. Larry the Cable guy was supposedly a real bag of dicks and the other guy(…
Ugh, I HATED A Chef’s Life. There was such an undercurrent of her feeling like she was too good to be where she was. I’m honestly tired of the whole the chefs personality is the main pillar of the show, I want the food to be the “star”
Oh, they do. It’s just a lot of the really cute ones(and especially ones in good knitting mags; Vogue, Interweave, Pompom) tend to be really really small.
Well, I’m going to try the diet/lose weight thing again. For my health? Hell fuckin’ no. I want to lose weight because I am a knitter and there is an absolute dearth of cute sweater patterns in plus size. Granted, i have large...tracts of land, so probably won’t slim my bust much, but I’m tired of finding a great…
I work until 11 tonight, so Beer, Bobs Burgers,Bed for this evening. But tomorrow I’m making pralines!! Im doing pecan, natch but also cashew because-yeah 🎄