RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

I’ve not been in a yankee candle in AGES, i just remember getting my dad that one as a gag gift(we all gave him really disappointing presents and surprised him with a big golf trip at the end of the present opening) and I ended up really liking that particular one

Dude, the lawn one smelled AMAZING(the rest were terrible) but it smelled like fresh cut grass and a little lemony(?)

I’m getting a real “Goody Huckabee-Sanders says the witch made her cows milk sour" vibe

Brooklyn 99. Which, if you haven’t seen it yet,  is WELL worth your time. 

Boom boom, TheDrDonna. Boom boom

Greenville is such an odd town though. The downtown and arts scenes are booming, and they are doing some super cool food stuff and then....theres the absolute clusterfuck that is Woodruff road and the aggressive blandness in and around Cherrydale. But, I always like discovering new stuff when I visit the ‘rents

Nope. This asshole is GA. The NC election debacle is an entirely DIFFERENT GOP asshole.

Have you ever BEEN to SC? Other than maybe the white trash ocean destination Myrtle Beach and Charleston (which is a less good Savannah) what is a good time magnet in SC? I won’t die on any hill defending my home state of NC, but it is LEAGUES better than SC.

Don’t forget Asheville! My hometown and beautiful and generally cool, if getting more expensive every year.

I adore her frames. I wonder if they are Warby Parkers.

The idea of a limited bookshelf in 2018 is unbelievably stupid. I have almost NO books on my bookshelf- but I have a kindle with nearly 400 on it. With that much space, I don’t have to limit myself. Its easy! And fun! Come on Ben, don’t be a such a stick in the mud

I can NOT understand the fanatical love of CFA. It is mediocre, AT BEST. Better chicken from fast food joints is available! The breading is soggy(and also, the secret is powdered sugar and pickle juice. There you fuckin’ go) half the time its dry as all get out and the sauces, while its cool they hand them out wuth

Wait? Is this a south Boston thing? Because thus EXACT recipe(with the addition of shredded coconut or pecans- or both!) Is a staple of Southern old lady church homecoming potlucks

My husband and I are doing Thanksgiving by ourselves(choice! We want a relaxing day to eat and bone) and we are grilling cornish game hens.

Our rhody only begs for food when she smells curries. She loves the spicy! Our incredibly food motivated terrier will eat things that *look* like food, but won't touch spicy.  

Thanks dude! I hope so to!

Yeah, same. But most of my non-local friends are also on instagram, and really I only care about what their babies and dogs(mostly the dogs) look like, so I’ve been slowly but surely abandoning FB for the shiny, filtered world of Insta instead.

I’ve been stepping down my nicotine for just that reason! Keeps my hands from snacking though, and THATS helpful :)

To everyone telling me how stupid and ridiculous I look with a Juul or whatever(I use a Nautilus AIO) I fuckin’ KNOW dude. I’m also trying real hard to not smoke anymore, because in the place I grew up EVERYBODY smoked and sorry, I got addicted. So get off my nuts, I’m doing this to try and not be a filthy smoker any

It was weird, and beautiful and unwieldy and I loved the HELL out if it. Also, do want that hella vampy lipstick