RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

And she wasn't even a good model! Sorry not sorry but she would not get her pictures back from Tyra.

Firstly, I don’t particularly like children- But even I cannot understand how fucking twisted and dead inside you gave to be to look at a chubby cheeked little kid and think “fuck em”. They are so squishy and small and helpless. I don’t like kids and don’t want to have any/spend free time with them but fuuuuuuck. If

I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand how working with Bloom’s *husband* means he definitely knows her. I couldn’t pick out 95% of my coworker’s spouses in a lineup. Also, she annoys the ever living shit out of me, so while in general NPH is insufferable, I was totes on his side for that particular beef.

Like, I know that the Met Gala is going for *Camp* but i REALLY, deeply, truly hope someone shows up in a full length ball gown version of a Girl Scouts uniform

You know what? My whole damn house is IKEA. It’s simple, with clean lines and neutral colors and affordable. Good shit man, good shit.

You know what? My whole damn house is IKEA. It’s simple, with clean lines and neutral colors and affordable. Good

#metoo. For me, it was rape. Simple and dreadfully, dreadfully complex. He was my *boyfriend* I was in *love* he hit me and held me down- but I had been drinking and was ostensibly at his house for sex.

My nephews all have parents that trot out the standard “Give Aunt Heathens a hug!!” But- these kids **barely** know me. I’m a Christmas and Thanksgiving aunt. I always offer a high five instead.

the other mantis’ little arms! That mantis seems shocked by the turn of events!!

A combo of weed, cbd tinctures and Zonegran have done the trick for me

Well, THAT is horrifying

So, if she was drugged without knowledge- couldn’t he be charged with attempted murder or something? I mean, clearly IANAL, but, seems like if you are given something that sends you to the hospital aithout knowledge or consent its at least assault. Right?

Aren't the Yemenis also struggling with a devastating cholera outbreak?

Ok, I know you’re a troll but here we go. Shoplifting is wrong. Yes. That is 100% true. But! Kids are generally dumb and have poorly developed impulse control mechanisms in their squishy, still developing brains. And- some kids will do stupid, wrong things.

But even so, she was still considered pretty "fringe-y" I mean, George Noory has (had?) A nationally syndicated am radio show, but no one is arguing his xfiles ass is mainstream. 

Yep. And Futurama "Jurassic Bark" are 2 episodes that I can barely make it through.

You take that BACK! Tremors is nearly perfect camp and I unabashedly love it.

I like the instagram filters for when I'm taking pics of my knitting. Thats all i use mine for:/

I have one of their tees, and I’m not wild about the cut. The fabric is really nice, but something about the shirt just doesn’t feel right on my body. Which is why I always like seeing new options

Yes! jesus christ. I’m normcore as fuck and I just want decently made, plain basics!