RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Please, please as a plus size shopper- please give me well made, affordable, boring ass basics.

Yeah, this shiz IS a miracle oil for skin and hair(also in the bedroom if you aren't using latex). You can have my tub of coconut oil when you pry it from my cold, dead, moisturized hands

I used to work in funeral service, and we woukd get people who died in car crashes or the like with perfectly healthy and serviceable kidneys, livers etc. No one coukd take those organs FROM CORPSES, because DEAD PEOPLE snd their families have rights over their bodies/dispositions.

It may be just that I am re-reading The Dark Tower, but I assumed the underlined/ focused on Chapter 19 might be alluding back to the significance of the number 19 to that series. Especially if there is any hints to the multiple worlds of King’s fiction

So, I would like GMO food to have a label, not because I have any issues with the genetic modification of foods, but because I would like to choose NOT to buy products from Monsanto. 

Weird connection story time! My ex husband was in a band a million years ago with Dave Holmes’ husband, and I got to hang out with him a bit. He is the nicest, most down to earth dude. Just, i wish him all the luck. 

I’m not extremely well versed in musical theater, but even I can always pick out a Fosse choreography.  What an amazing talent

Lays did a curry chip! It was, eh 2(??) Years ago? It was when they dud a workd flavor new chip thing. There was Brazilian steak and a Greek chip and an Indian chip. Butter chicken maybe? It was ammmmaaaaaaaaazing and then disappeared :(

As a fellow North Carolinian, I echo that sentiment. I fervently hope I am wrong about Hell because I deeply hope it exists and he is roasting in it.

JAsus, the one for drug addiction?

Uh...duh? Kinsey came to the same conclusion like 60 years ago. Gay couples-in particular lesbian couples have better sex. He came to the conclusion that it was because they were less focused on the "end game" of orgasm and more focused on the process and their partner. 

Yeah. I am *convinced* my neighbors somehow got a hold of professional mortars and set them off until around 2 am.

And you know What? Sure, I’ll give you the “need a big name to sell them tix” argument. Ok. But, like, I’m guessing the massage and prostitution business needs a LOT of ladies. Tex probably even had a cisgender right hand “man”- don’t pimps usually rely on a female enforcer(I believe the bottom bitch of pop culture)

I thought ablation was offered as a form of BC. I could have sworn I read about it as a birth control one time. Huh. More research for me, I guess

But, I'm still down for the return of the National Razor.

I moved to the South Sound about 3 years ago from the South (fuckin' Georgia) and saw more confederate flags while driving through Spokane/Idaho than I remember seeing down south. It was pervasive 

I feel so bad for Onion writers. 

I’m sad, but not surprised. Men: white, black, brown, rich, poor, powerful or underlings all of them (yes, ALL men) are socialized from birth to give short shrift to women as human. Women are devalued and treated as cheap prizes at best or convenient holes at worst. We shouldn’t be more than passive pretty baubles to

Just a weird aside. Serena looks gorge, as usual and that color is amazeballs on her, but damn that angle of her head just makes that tiny fascinator look like it weighs a TON.

All the housing around the sound is INSANE. (Source, I just paid 200 grand for an 800 square foot house in Tacoma)