RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

YO. I’m a rape survivor too(both the shitty “grey rape” of being violated by a partner and also, full on stranger rape. You know, Republican “real” rape) BUT I also recognize trans women ARE FUCKING WOMEN AND SHOULDN’T BE HOUSED WITH MEN. So don’t go putting your TERF bullshit on all rape survivors.

to be fair, If I remember correctly Glenn was attacked by walkers and Maggie wasnt yelling at Lori because of the decision to terminate but because Lori had taken no precautions against getting pregnant(in an APOCALYPSE, which seems dumb) and then put Glenn at risk.

Otterpops are so good you guys. SO much better than Flavor-ice. I’m sad I have such a teeny freezer.

Right? Like, read the room dude. Now is NOT the fuckin’ time.

And there are MULTIPLE replies to Whitney saying “hey, this is racist” and it hasn’t been changed and she hasn’t responded to any of them. Which is bullshit

I dated a Romani dude in college. He **hated** it. It hurt him and if it’s offensive like that it’s ok to drop that shit. The word “niggardly” doesn’t have the same etymology as well, the other word but I’m sure as shit not using it. And frankly, the fact the word STARTED as a slur is enough for me to drop it.

I said the same thing down thread

So, uh.... “Gipped” looks to me like a misspelling of “Gypped” which is sort of totally fucking racist. How ‘bout we edit that to “cheated” and leave racist terms out of it?

I’m not particularly enthused by cunnilingus. It’s fine, but a lot of dudes are just not great at It? And having to give directions puts me in my head, and out of the act and then I’m just over it. I MUCH prefer a guy with excellent digital dexterity. Plus, the dirtier the words coming out of their mouth the better.

Wht would someone be dressed like that at what looks like an airline check in counter?

Ok. So Bee Pollen is when need collect the pollen and then they roll it up into little balls with like bee spit or something and stash it in the hive and it ferments. It’s generally “mixed” pollen, so wildflower and clove and whatever other plants are in your area for bees to be eating/gathering and the fermenting

I shave. Every day in the shower. I’m white and pretty pale and my dark brown hair stands out , so I shave. I’m entirely cis, and it is really the thing I am MOST self conscious about. I’m fat, yeah ok. But fat and hairy is not ok for me. So I shave.

Hell, if you can walk in ‘em, you are NEVER too tall for heels. But also, Gasoline Stilettos would make an excellent name for a band

I like to post the bit from Life of Brian whenever I see really bad Latin. And I only took Latin in High school! If **I** can figure out you’ve fucked up your declension? Son you’ve done fucked up your Latin

So in college my friends and I started a “religion “(I mean, why not?) called Pleasantarianism. It’s main tenet was: be pleasant to people. Many schisms arose in the “church”. Was “being pleasant to people” mean simply not being a dick, or did you have to go out of your way to be nice? I feel like, as the “church” had

So, just this very weekend I (a white lady) had my hair PETTED in a WAL-MART by an assholes like her. My hair is dyed a non natural color and somebody thought it was ok because “it’s so pretty!”

OK, I see what you are saying, and to some extent agree. But, I graduated with high honors(! Magna Cum Laude baby) from a “good” college with my B.A. in History. (Yup- I regret that now) I would NEVER call myself a “Historian”. I know that I don’t have the further study, research or experience to say with any

But like- is the pillow any good?

Honestly,that’s what I feel is going to end up being the “thing”. Rey’s parents were strong in the Force, but came of age in a time where there was no Jedi academy, grew bitter and angry and ended up drunk on Jakku. Nobodies, but ones,who could have been great Jedi if properly trained. It gives her another impetus to

How did you get the mashed potatoes out of your sheets?