RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

I gotta say y’all, I just do not *understand* eye shadow. I wear glasses and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I put on more than “nude base, high light at brow bone” it ends up looking a damn mess. It’s/always/ a Smokey eye day if Heathens tries a color. Ive watched the tutorials and practiced on days off and I own the good stuff

Duse, you’re Right! I knew it was Williams Street at least

Nope. Fuck that mealy mouthed faux enlightened bullshit. I hate them. HATE. Seething, roiling hatred. I HATE what they are doing to my country, my planet and the people who live here. And I hate that they fucking smile their simpering, condescending manner, like butter wouldn’t melt in those punch targets.

MC Chris put out an Instagram(? I think, could be wrong on platform) post about Adam Reed assaulting him, and that’s why he no longer does voice over work with Williams Street.

As a white person.... I’ve found sunscreen to be a really important part of my skincare routine because otherwise I burn easily in the sun.

So, the thing is- IF this was just a guy and his personal email account and it was full of personal emails from friends and family, yeah a guy leave a his email password on bus bunch is a pretty shitty story.

I HAVE to start stopping bad books, but I always feel so guilty!!

So, like a crazy person, I’m reading 4 books at once(does anybody else do this?) I’ve got the lackluster YA novel that I REALLY do not care for, but it’s the last in a series, and I feel like I have to read it? I have a YA novel that was given to me by a coworker and I’m “meh “ on so far, so I might end up dropping

And our Neutral Evil? Putin?

I’m going to choose to believe that someone at NASA is a giant Night Vale nerd and chose to name the lights and arrows in the sky after Steve Carlsburg.

Honestly, the Ancient Alien people have such a hopeful belief system. ALL religions are right and valid because they all just describe aliens, and if humanity could just be cool and get our shit together, we could travel the stars. It’s such an uplifting thought- we could have intergalactic friends if we could stop

The whole American Transcendalist movement stuff. Thoreau, et al. Like, of course I have read excerpts and pieces- but never a whole book. And I do feel bad about it.

Not gonna lie, the 10 year old in me giggled mightily at the inviting dudes to your Gaylord hotel suite for “debating”

Just an observation. Giorgio Tsoukalos- you know, the Ancient Alien guy? He thinks the right wing conspiracies are nuts.

I read about them in a Russian history class I had way back in the way back. Their story just always stuck with me

For the same reason that the Russian pilots would probably have American accents while the Nazis would probably have British accents.

Yeah. But I would have no idea how to find it :(

Dude. They were so badass. They had these much older planes, and preferred them because of their relatively low stall speeds and maneuverability. They would intentionally stall the planes, no engine sounds, glide in at night, bomb the ever loving fuck out of the Nazis, CLIMB OUT OF THE PLANE restart the engine in mid

That’s why I said I assume. It seems like she gets a lot of those type rolls. :/

I’ll take one of those too!