RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Hey! Firstly, how are YOU holding up? Not like romantically or anything, just in General? 16 years gone, that’s big and scary and sucky. And honestly, when my marriage imploded, I didn’t look for a guy I really *liked* for a while. I was alone and I watched terrible tv and I fucked dudes when I was horny and I drank

I know that we are in a weird place with the Russians, but seriously- how is there NOT a movie about the Night Witches? Get all those young hot Hollywood gals as hard drinking, filthy mouthed Russian bombers. Bombers so frightening and badass- *Nazis* assumed they were witches with no sound but the fucking wind and

I feel like I’ve heard that the Olympic Village is basically just a giant super hot, super fit, bodies like gods, orgy anyhow. And I for one, approve

I recently(uh, last year or so) switched from ultra(ish) high end make up (NARS, Dior, MAC, Laura Mercier) to drugstore stuff. I’m now all ELF, L’oreal, Maybelline and the like.

“So **WE** can succeed” I think that is just so beautiful. The stronger/better together. Goddamm Pixar. Making me feels

Well too fucking bad. I vote every election.

Also works as- Jesus: ”I hate American conservatives just so, so much”

That person in the photo can’t even plan out a fucking poster, of course they aren’t smart enough to plan parenthood. Jesus I hate American conservatives just so, so much

Literally fuck all of these people and their shitty versions of events with a rake. Government conspiracies are just more fun when they are hiding the existence of aliens and bigfoot-not when they are willfully obscuring knowledge of domestic violence.

I was gonna post this, and ya beat me to it.

That IS Noel Fielding! Oh, good. I haven’t followed much about the new Bake Off and thought I was just hallucinating Vince Noir

Super Callous, fragile racist, extra braggadocious.

Wow, thanks Mark. What a sad, unproductive echo chamber this discussion would have been without your scorching hot take.

I don’t know about other kids, but I started smoking because during breaks, all the cool older people at my job smoked- including the college aged assistant managers.standing out with them kept me in the loop, and it became a “thing” to have a cigarette while standing there. I did community theater- same thing. Peer

Now, and please tell me if I’m wrong, but I thought DRAG was a male who identifies as a man performing a female character, and when a trans woman has a larger than life female character it was high femme and no longer drag per se.

But- counterpoint. While I don’t have a graduate degree, I have two bachelors and started in on my masters. I had a tough time getting jobs in *retail*. There is this idea that you can just traipse out and grab a job, la di dah- and in reality, it isn’t necessarily that easy. Highly educated people can be seen as

It will DEFINITELY be Reese Witherspoon playing Gilbert.

Don’t forget Bob Ross! He seemed like a good egg

If you really REALLY wanted to make fun of Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance, why wouldn’t you go with the literal POUNDS of contouring and makeup she wears? I mean, jeeeeze. That makeup is bad and she should feel bad.

Yeah, I feed my addiction with the library and my Kindle. Less evidence, but more books so